𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 1

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Just A quick author's note! Thank you for being here and reading this story! I am going to try and update as often as I can. Songs I listened to during this were A Soulmate Who Wasn't Meant To Be by Jess Benko and Feeling Whitney by Hilly. (Also Neptune by Rusty Clanton) My Spotify user is- iqo3tood2z6pm7pu9myjlllrl . Love you and thank you for reading. Enjoy!

I sat in the train car, twisting my short blonde hair around my fingers. In my lap sat a book, journal, and pencil though I knew I wouldn't use them. I had no motivation or inspiration to write or read. I felt tired. I had stayed the summer alone in my home, my parents passed in the battle. I still didn't believe it. I can't because if I do they really are gone. 'They are just on vacation.' I thought to myself. I watched as Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, and Blaise Zabini were walking past my cabin and stopped. Blaise had a bright red burn mark across his cheek, Pansy had a long scratch down her jawline, and Draco just looked exhausted. He looked better than he did last year but he still looked off.
I was never friends with them, me in Hufflepuff and them in Slytherin. I was returning to Hogwarts to finish my seventh year and I guess they did too.
"Hey, uhm can we sit here Katie?" Blaise asked me with his upper half through the door.
"Yeah, I don't mind." I looked down at my lap and moved my feet off the seat next to me. Draco sat there placing his forearms onto the table. Pansy laid her head on Blaise's shoulder and Blaise placed his arm around her.
"How was your break?" Pansy asked with a soft smile. The whole school knew about my parents so I sort of thought that she wanted me to cry. A small tear rolled down my cheek and she reached across the table and grabbed my hand.
"I'm really sorry, I sort of forgot."
We were silent the rest of the ride and I ended up watching the window the whole time, Pansy and Blaise slept the way there and I saw Draco looking at me from time to time. Draco Malfoy looking at me. I had too much going on in my life to have a crush. I was just in the way of his view. I feel like I'm always in the way of someone.
I sat in my bed. Alone. I had a single dorm since I got here, my parents wanted me to be in Gryffindor but when I got Hufflepuff my parents put me in a single dorm as my punishment. The sorting ceremony was smaller this year because parents chose not to send their kids here. I only recognized some students, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, and Ginny Weasley. Luna was in Ravenclaw but the other two were Gryffindors.
I heard a soft knock on my door and hopped up to get it. It was Pansy standing there in her pajamas.
"Hey, wanna have a sleepover?" She furrowed her eyebrows and made puppy eyes with her brown pupils.
"Sure, I have nothing else to do on the first night. But one quick question... how did you get in?"
"Well for starters the password to get in is 123abc and second it's not just me." Draco and Baise popped their heads out and I walked back into my room.
"You guys barely know me, and you want to sleepover here?"
"Well all of our other friends left Hogwarts and you don't seem to have many friends." Draco piped up and Pansy elbowed him. I laughed at her action, "Well I don't mind because he is really accurate with that statement." We all sat down near the fireplace and Pansy decided to talk first. "Well... y'all want to play truth or dare?"
Everyone agreed that we would play and after a while, it was just Pansy and me that were still awake and I looked over to her.
"Why did you choose to come over here tonight? I mean you all have each other and I am quite boring."
"You know, I'm not sure why I decided to befriend you. Sometimes you need a Hufflepuff friend. Someone who is patient with you. And I know you haven't talked much but Draco needs a friend like that. We all sort of do, but Draco is different. He's really messed up and he needs a friend who can stand up for him. So when I saw you alone I thought that you two may need each other. And frankly being friends with two boys sucks." I laughed and agreed with her, boys can be overwhelming.
"I'll do my best with him, Pans." I smiled and I think I finally have friends.

𝐴𝑙𝑙 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑟𝑠 𝑑.𝑚.Where stories live. Discover now