𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 3

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This is the cast, just as a hint most of the characters end up with their future lover

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This is the cast, just as a hint most of the characters end up with their future lover

Pansy+Ginny    Katie+Draco    Blaise+Luna    Neville+Jane
    I sat alone at the Hufflepuff table at breakfast. I picked at my food, pancakes and eggs. I bounced my leg up and down and it shook the table ever so slightly. I was far away from the rest of the students in Hufflepuff so it didn't bother them. I watched as Draco, Pansy, and Blaise walked through the doors and into the dining hall. They walked towards me and Pansy plopped onto the seat next to me.
    "Hey girlie how are you?" Pansy smiled as she grabbed bacon.
    "Why are you alon- nevermind." Draco quickly shut up and I looked from him back to Pansy.
    "As well as a girl can be when nobody wants to be near her." I smiled and looked back down at my food.
    "Well personally I think I speak for all of us when I say we want to be with you." Blaise smiled at me and I returned his action.
    "I'm glad I have friends." I said, laying my head on Pansy's shoulder.
    "We gotchu girlfriend." Draco said, trying to impersonate a girl. We all broke out in laughter.
    I sat on the cold ground of the astronomy tower. It was my free period and I had nothing to do. I let my mind wander through the maze of my thoughts. I felt the floor vibrating as footsteps grew closer to me. I opened a small cabinet and climbed into it. I heard the person's back hit the door. Before whoever it was came I was crying. I disliked showing my emotions in crowded places so I hid.
    "Katie?" It was Draco.
    "Yeah?" I stumbled over my words as I responded to him.
    "You alright?" He talked sympathetically. "Want to come out and talk about it?"
    "Are you going to make fun of me?" I shifted in my seat and I could tell that he moved himself also.
    "Of course not. I wouldn't ever make fun of you love." He gave me a nickname. I smiled through my tears and slowly opened the door. He moved to the side of the door to give me space but as soon I came out I was attached to him.
        "I'm right here. You can talk or just cry. I will sit here all day if you want." He rubbed the small of my back and in his other hand held my hand. I cried into his chest a few muffled cries but other than that it was mostly silent.
    "Why did they have to fight? They could've stayed with me and listened. They didn't need to go." I punched Draco's chest and he hushed me in my ear,
    "I know love, I know. Calm down."
    "How the hell can I calm down when they are gone. They left me. They left to go protect stupid Hogwarts. Stupid Harry Potter had to come to this school and mess up all of our lives." I tried to stand up but Draco grabbed onto my shoulders softly and held me down.
    "You told me to promise that I would never leave. I'm not breaking that promise the same day I promised it. Calm down. I understand I'm not in your position and I will never be but you can't let this eat you up. You are stronger than this."
"Draco you barley even know me." He sighed and shook his head. He forced my chin to look at him right in the eyes.
    "I don't need to know you that well to know that you are the strongest little Hufflepuff I have ever seen." I looked down as he released my chin. I looked up at the star illusion on the ceiling. "You know how each star is different?" I nodded and he continued. "You remind me of a star. You are breaking down into pieces. And it's going to lead to an explosion and I'm really scared for you. I don't want you to bottle up all your feelings. I want you to know that you can talk to me when you're upset or scared." I nodded and nuzzled my head into the crook of his neck. 'Is he right? Can people see through me that easily.' "And frankly Katie, I went through something similar this summer. I kept everything to myself and when I came home from the war I couldn't take it anymore. I could have killed myself but I didn't because my mom saved me. Don't shirk your feelings."
    "Why are you telling me all of this?" I asked. I spoke into his neck and I felt each breath release his mouth.
    "I don't really know. Maybe it's because I trust you or something but I feel like you need to know that I went through something similar. It might help you."
And it did.

𝐴𝑙𝑙 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑟𝑠 𝑑.𝑚.Where stories live. Discover now