𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 2

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I woke up as sunlight broke through my windows, Pansy was sprawled on the ground and Blaise next to her. Draco was asleep on the couch with my knit blanket over his legs. I got up and walked to my wardrobe, pulling out a gray pullover. Draco slowly lifted from his sleep on the couch and looked at me,
"Where are you going?" He asked while rubbing his eyes.
"Just on a walk, do you want to come with me?" He nodded and lifted himself up, he slipped on his navy slippers and pulled down his shirt. He was wearing a pair of gray sweatpants and a Slytherin quidditch t-shirt. It was still warm outside so he was able to wear lighter clothing.
"Ready?" I asked Draco while adjusting my hoodie to go over my black shorts. I slipped my fluffy pink slippers onto my feet and held the door open for Draco.
As we walked outside the sun was rising and nobody was awake. I could hear every breath that was released out of Draco's mouth and every animal's small footsteps. We walked in silence for a while, we didn't have much to talk about in the first place.
"Hey Katie, I know we aren't close and you don't have to answer this but do you ever miss your parents?" I hadn't realized but we stopped walking. I leaned my forearms on the bridge railing. I stared at him for a second, I wasn't sure what to say or how to say it.
"You know Draco I like to think of it as they are on vacation. I know that if I accept they're gone they really are. I can't do that to myself. I would end up doing something I can't take back." He nodded slowly and looked at me,
"Frankly I know it isn't the same thing but ever since my father got put into Azkaban I just can't take it anymore. He may have been horrible to me but without my father I feel lost." He sunk down onto the ground of the bridge and looked at me. As I sat down next to him he just stared into my eyes.
"My mother used to always say that things happen, some we can control but some we can't. It's how you handle them and stand up to them that reflects onto you."I said as I felt the stinging of tears in my eyes and let a small droplet down.
"I guess I have a broken friend now. We can be there for each other."
"But Draco you have to promise me something."
"What is it Katie?"
"No matter what happens, we can't give up on each other, we have to stick together."
He let a smile take over his face and placed his hand over his heart,
"Till death till we part." His smile was soft, and I had never seen him truly smile though usually just a grin. He looked at his rings as he played with them and I looked at the gold one on his pinkie finger. It was probably the most beautiful yet simple of all of them. I reached my hand out slowly to touch it and grabbed his hand.
"You like this one?" His smile had turned into a sheepish grin and I nodded at his comment, he took it off and slipped it onto my middle finger. I looked at it on my finger in awe and then looked to him. He laughed at my widened eyes and began to stand up. He put out his hand for me to take and lifted me up.
"Thank you. For everything. Being my friend, talking to me, the ring, and helping me up." I let out a breathy laugh and he did the same. "But honestly I never really had true friends after Cedric died, I've been alone." I finished my statement and we walked back into the castle and we parted ways. I will never forget this first real interaction with Draco Malfoy. He had a kind yet broken heart.

𝐴𝑙𝑙 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑟𝑠 𝑑.𝑚.Where stories live. Discover now