The Sweetest Street Drug

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Toby has a spring in his step as he approaches Y/N's street. Tonight, he planned to stalk her but he's decided that he should just visit her at home. They've been becoming close friends again for the last couple of months and he thinks he'll give it a shot.

He was really hesitant for a long time about doing this, worried that he would frighten Y/N because he knows where she lives without her explicitly telling him. Toby isn't exactly ready to confess to his obsessive stalking either. Then he may really loose her. He's seen a lot more than she could imagine.

He's not a pervert or anything at all; actually, he'd lower his gaze and respect her privacy when he'd catch her during intimate moments. He's just fascinated by her and wants to know everything. He wants to remember her. 

As her house comes into view, Toby spots another person headed the same way. This guy is just slightly ahead of him. Toby knows who this is once he notices that stained white hoodie.

Toby has discovered this asshole's name is Jeff. He doesn't like him and has grown to hate the man for being such a bad influence on Y/N. He's constantly encouraging her to drugs, be reckless and dismiss her responsibilities.

He knows this is the first time a couple weeks Jeff is seeing Y/N, as they had a dispute over the phone and Y/N told him she never wanted to see him again. She surprised herself after realizing what she said to him; she usually bites her tongue around him, afraid to say something that could get herself in trouble.

Flashback (TW?):

Y/N wasn't expecting to be bedridden and vomiting this weekend but her current position— huddled under blankets with a bucket nearly filled to the brim with puke stationed by her bed— is all thanks to Jeff.

It's currently Monday and last Friday, Y/N had taken some coke from Jeff. He told her this was a different batch, relaying what his drug dealer told him. He never clarified and with everything Y/N has done in her youth, she wasn't too concerned with the warning.

Bored and pissed off, she decides to give Jeff a ring. He gave her a number to call if she ever needed him, telling her he may not always be around to answer. Apparently it's his brother Liu's number. Jeff stays with him sometimes when he's not evading conviction.

"Hello?" A soft spoken man answers, this must be Liu. Unlike his psychotic brother, he seems like a sweetie.

"Hey, is Jeff there? I want to speak with him." She says, vexation in her tone.

". . . Are you a cop?" Liu whispers in response to which Y/N giggles.

"No, I'm Jeff's friend."

She hears a little commotion in the background before Jeff is finally on the line, addressing the caller.


"Jeff! You bastard, why would you give me laced drugs?!"

"Laced? Laced with what?"

"Fentanyl! I had to get my stomach pumped!" An hour or so after Y/N had taken the coke, she noticed she wasn't feeling the way she usually does when she uses it. She noticed she was incredibly drowsy as well as clammy all over. She knew to call an ambulance when her breathing started to slow, throat closing. Before she could, she passed out.

She nearly overdosed, having to get her stomach pumped in the emergency room. When she finally woke up, well rested and feeling alright, she was already planning what to say to Jeff the next time she sees him.

Y/N had a sneaking suspicion it was Fentanyl laced into her coke because she felt like she was on a very strong painkiller. She's been on Morphine before but this was 100x. Fentanyl is often lethal, especially in street drugs so she's thankful to even be alive to make this phone call.

𝐓𝐢𝐜𝐜𝐢 𝐓𝐨𝐛𝐲 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫: 𝐄𝐲𝐞𝐬 𝐎𝐟 𝐃𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐢𝐭Where stories live. Discover now