Condemned to Die

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Tim props open the front door with his foot, straining from the weight of the bags in his clutches. Brian and Toby file into the house, in that order, 6 bags hanging off of Brian's arms while Toby holds a case of beer with ease. The oldest two march ahead and Toby nudges the door shut behind him with a kick of his boot.

As much as Toby hated it, he decided to tag along on Brian and Tim's late night grocery trip. They decided to go after putting it off all day, leaving the house around 8:30PM. He didn't make his presence very pronounced or useful, being quiet the whole time. The only thing he did was pick random shit off the shelves and drop it into their cart, then leaving (without alerting Tim or Brian) to go to the liquor store instead. He waited in the checkout line with a 24 case of beer, his phone in his pocket buzzing the entire time. He stupidly ignored it. It could've been an emergency, but he had a feeling it was just Tim calling to bust his balls like usual.

"You weren't very helpful tonight, Toby." Brian starts, eyes droopy from how tired he is. They're all in kitchen now, putting things away.

"Yes, I was. I got the beer." He argues, setting the cardboard box of alcohol next to the refrigerator, deciding his assistance here was enough. He steps off to the side, leaning on the counter as he watches the other two put everything else away.

"You're basically the only one who drinks, dumbass." Tim replies with a half hearted laugh.

"Tim, you and I know both it's not just me." Toby disagrees, crossing his arms. He catches the eldest doing it all the time. Toby found Tim crying about something the other night, an emptied bottle of gin by his side. He didn't point it out as he's concluded Tim is a bit ashamed of what he's doing. Toby has the decency to not be that guy and call him out.

Toby can't judge him, he himself has a tendency for alcoholism and always has, even if he doesn't remember his past addiction when it was at its worst. The trait he hated most about his father is the very thing he inherited from him.

"I take pills, I can't drink!" Tim retorts, brows scrunched together as he feels himself getting more annoyed.

"Yeah," Toby scoffs, "like that stops you."

"Seriously Toby, you've been slacking a lot." Brian admits, cutting in to change the topic when he notices Tim stiffen uncomfortably. He continues to stock the cabinets, handing refrigerated items to Tim to put away.

"Yeah, the other night you left me and Brian to get rid of 3 bodies." Tim calls out his shitty behaviour. That operation was another disaster but didn't warrant a punishment, thankfully. Tim's bloodied and bruised body couldn't go through with another.
After those 3 were killed, Tim and Brian turned around to find Toby had abandoned them, again without saying a word. He just walked off. They came home to find him sitting on the sofa watching a cooking show. "You better get your head out of your ass and start helping us."

Toby has been really spacey recently, his thoughts were all over the place. His fight with Y/N has been on his mind and he's been contemplating seeing her, but he can't get that look of terror in her eyes out of his head. He could've killed her that night.

"I'm sorry, I've just had a lot on my mind."

"That girl. . ." Tim grimaces, finishing up putting everything away and sits down at the kitchen table. Toby follows but not before retrieving a beer for himself and Tim, to which he hesitantly accepts. Tim doesn't like to drink because he's on medication but as a proxy, he believes he needs a clear mind to do his best work. Alcohol screws him up and he really doesn't even like Toby drinking, but drinking brings out the rage in the younger man. He can use that strong desire for violence in their crimes so long as he's careful and concise.

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