part five

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Naruto's pov:

I'm such an idiot, I'm an idiot. He didn't even react, why did i have to do that.

"Kit calm down, this is what the brat wanted, she wants you freaking out"

I heard his voice echo through my head and I took a deep breath as I walked down the street. The sun was going down and people were settling in their houses.

"Are you calmer now kit?"

Kurama asked and i sighed and nodded, 'yeah I'm ok, for now"

"Don't jump to conclusions about sasuke, you did kind of kiss him out of nowhere"

He said and chuckled, I grumbled sitting down on a bench not really ready to go back to the house yet.

"Hey kit don't look now but the said bitch in question is walking over here"

I was confused till I looked up and saw ino walking over to me. 'Great...' I internally sighed, ino snickered "I saw that little stunt you pulled on Sasuke". I grimaced, wiping a hand over my face "can you just leave me alone ino, you've caused enough problems for me". She rolled her eyes, "your the one causing problems for me, I cheated on you because i want to get with sasuke, if i knew you were gay i would have left you a long time ago". I sucked my teeth, "you know screw you"

Ino laughed, "aww that's not your usual attitude, where's the softie goofball that I know and love" she said in a baby tone with her lip pursed. I rolled my eyes "what do you want?" I said ready to just get up and leave. "I wanted to congratulate you on your failure with sasuke, there's no bringing that back to life is there?" she said with a snarky attitude. I shook my head "you know what I'm leaving i don't need to listen to this" I said getting up. She put a hand on her hip "running away with your tail between your legs, I could understand I mean look at your competition". I stopped walking and turned on my heels to look at her, "you know ino, what makes you think you have a chance, the last time I checked he can't stand being around you for more than 10 minutes, and tell the truth have you ever had a actual conversation with him that did not lead back to you, get a grip ino if you hadn't cheated on me i was gonna break it off one way or another in the future cause in all honesty I can't stand you just as much as sasuke cant". She looked at me with her eyes wide with anger and shock, I scratched my head as I heard kurama laugh through my head.

She stormed up to me and went to slap me but I caught it and my grip tightened around her wrist. "The only person I'll let slap me around is sakura, even if you got the chance you wouldn't have enough force to even turn my head". I let go of her wrist and she stumbled back a little, "I could get you in trouble with the counsel!" she yelled. I tsked my bangs covering my eyes, "like i give a damn tell them, I'm tired of that being dangled over my head by anyone". My voice was void of emotion as I looked up and she looked shocked, "what, surprised I've stopped caring, or is it that my happy go lucky attitude isn't all its talked up to be anymore". I sighed and turned to leave again this time not getting interrupted by her. I walked back to the house looking at the ground not really acknowledging anything around me. I walked inside, it looked like sasuke wasn't quite back yet, a tinge of guilt poked me for leaving him to do the shopping alone. I walked to my room, and layed on my bed not really feeling the urge to do anything.

I sighed, the things I said to ino were true but do I of all people have a chance? Would he actually want a relationship with someone like me, in some cases I'm no different then ino. He could just leave again, would i be able to bring him back a second time?


I heard Kurama's worried voice but I didn't answer, I just gave a grunt in acknowledgment. He sighed but didn't say anymore. I heard the front door open and close and rustling in the kitchen. Now that he was home it felt ok to sleep knowing he was safe. I rolled over to face the wall and closed my eyes waiting for the dark sleep to take over.

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