Chapter Four

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*Luke's POV*

For the past three days I haven't gone to school. I couldn't, Syd didn't even want to talk to me judging by her not picking up my phone calls and Texts me to stop talking to her. Over the few days I had made some mates. Their names were Ashton, Calum, Michael, and Cassidy who was calum girlfriend. They were pretty cool people and we even decided to do a band together. My week has been going by pretty good until Cassidy turned out to be Sydney's friend who told her everything about calum, Michael,Ashton, and I. But then again I could use this connection to help me. The next time they come over I would have to tell Cassidy about how I never should have and I feel terrible, even though I don't. Hopefully she would tell Syd and she could forgive me, But if not... I don't know what I would do.




Cassidy and the boys come over and I lead them up to my room. I start to talk about how I regret doing it and Cassidy was on the edge of her seat staring at me eye to eye. It was working.

Finally once they left I just had to wait. The guilt of using Cassidy was getting to me. I had her think we could be awesome friends but the truth is she drove me crazy. All she did was say how much she hates what I wear or how I dress. Or shell judge me for eating a whole pizza by myself. But if this works I won't need her anymore.

I wait fourty five minutes until I hear a knock on my door. I open the door to find Sydney standing there at my door wearing a silver knee length dress and silver heels. Her rich brown hair was curled and her green sparkly eyes shining more than ever before. I let her in as she walks up my stairs into my bedroom. I follow her and close my door not letting my mother listen to our conversation. "Cassidy told me about how sorry you are and I apologize it. Plus I'm sorry too. I should've been there for you when you really needed me the most." she confessed starting it up. It was working just how I hoped it would.

"But."she continues "If I want to be with Scott I can't be with you. Scott and I have a thing luke. He knows how to treat me and I would rather lose my friend than my soul mate." he rushes through her lips. "How do you even know he is your soul mate?"I yell at her. Not that I wanted to but that she had torn my heart into pieces and I could let her get away with it. "Because I just got back from our twenty-third date luke. Our twenty-third! Most people can't last that long." she blurts out. My eyes start to soften and I could have sworn I felt a tear drop down my left cheek. "Sydney, I need my best friend back. I need her to catch my when I fall down. I need you Syd. And you can't just throw our nine year friendship down the drain." you could tell she didn't want me back and started to get freaked out. She ran sown the stairs but before she left through the door I placed my hand on her shoulder.

"Hey Syd?" I questioned her. She faced me and just as I seen her pink pale lips I couldn't hold it in any longer. I pushed  our lips together and held her waist pulling her closer. She tried to pull away and that's when I started to use my tounge. And thankfully I did because she push herself back to me and even tighter than we were before. This would probably only be a one in a lifetime thing so I had to make it last.

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