Chapter Twelve

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I lay in my bed trying to find a way to sleep but I couldn't. I couldn't help but think about Luke. I loved they way he laughed, I loved the way he got angry, sad, happy, confused, scared. I loved everything about him. To me he was just perfect... And I hope he could be my perfect.

"Hey" popped up in my messages and was from Luke.

"Hey Luke" I reply.

"I can't stop thinking about you..." He answered back making me shiver.

"Where are you?" I ask him not waiting to see him.

"On your balcony." he said back to me and my eyes grew.

I jump out of bed and open my door letting in the cold to find him standing there holding his phone in his hands. He grabs my waist and pulls me close to him. Not even bothering to close my door that he walk in through. We didn't need to, with our bodies rubbing up against each others we had plenty of warmth.

And plenty of time.

Hey guys since its so short I'm gonna make two mire chapters right now :)
Love you guys so much!

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