Chapter Twenty Six

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As we walk into the room we find an empty bed with the covers throw over the place.
"You don't think..." Ashton says until a sound comes from the bathroom door swinging open revealing a conscious Sydney.

"What do you want." she demands sitting back down on the bed.

"Were you crying?" Calum asks me.


"What do you think? My boyfriend leaves me in my coma for some girl, he never talks to me while I'm here, I miss out on school, and now I have to have a while month in a rehabilitation center. I'm just ready to go home to my mother and father." I confess grabbing my stuff and walking near the sit until I am stopped by Lukes arm.

"That's actually why I'm here Syndey, you can't go see your mother." he says pulling me back into the room.

"Why?" I question.

"Because Syd. Your mother is, dead." he stutters as my eyes fill up once again.

"What do you mean dead?" I angrily ask.

"She committed suicide, she couldn't take it with you in here. She cut herself In The same place you did and we'll she didn't have any help to save her. I'm sorry." he confesses as I fall onto the cold hard tile making a loud bang.

"Please sit Sydney." Ashton calmly demands and I do as told by laying down in the bed and folding myself into a ball.

"It will be alright." Luke assures me sitting down next to me.

"No it won't, everyone I love somehow just leaves me." I exclaim at his cliche comment.

"But I won't leave you." he smiles giving me an embrace.

"Don't you have a girlfriend you should be getting to?" I asked as my throat tightened just saying the word. "Luke, no matter how much I love you, you don't feel the same. And I am not going to force you to. You live someone else and I will be fine by myself. Now go, she needs you." I fake a smile making them think I'm okay, and luckily it worked as they let me leave the room with them following after to the exit.
As I get to my car parked outside of the hospital I fall beside it rating my head against it. I pull my knees in and rest my head on them as the tears fall.
"Its going to be okay." Michael says walking up to me while the guys run to the car.

"Why aren't you over there?" I ask wiping my tears.

"Because I know I fake smile when I see one." he smiles at my sitting sown next to me.

"I'm sorry Sydney, this is all my fault for getting you all flirty and drunk that night." he apologized playing with his fingers.

"The truth is Michael, I wasn't fully drunk. Yes I was drunk, but I knew what I was doing, I wanted to. I don't know why but something about you just made me want you." I confesses to what really happened.

"So you cheated on him, on purpose? Why would you do that! " she exclaimed causing the guys to slowly walk over but giving me enough time to talk to Mikey.

"Please Michael, I just really Liked you and I thought he could have something for at least one night."

"What's going on?" Luke asks running over to us with the other guys.

"She wasn't even drunk that night!" Michael's shouts jumping up and giving me a dirty look.

"You weren't?" Luke asks as his eyes soften.

"I'm sorry Luke, I just couldn't help myself."

"I knew we were never supposed to be together, I just needed proof. Now I have it."

"Please dont say that."

"Have fun at rehab." he smirks and the all walk off.

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