Chapter Nine

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I knock on his door as my mother drives away. The door is opened by someone who was familiar yet different. Luke's hair was messed up in a sanpback, he was shirtless with some skinny jeans on. "Syd?" he calls to me. The smell of alcohol comes pouring out of his mouth. "Are you drinking?" I ask him as I walk into his house to find the boys running around with girls in big shirts. My eyes start to burn by the strong scent of liquor and smoke. Michael came running up to me and hugged me."hey..." he says drunkenly. I lightly tap him on the back and let go quickly after feeling his sweaty body. "What are you doing here?" luke Demands to me sounding like an ass. I stutter with my words not k.owing why I came in the first place. "To see you?" I say but sounded more like a question. He just stood there leaning to one side or the other almost falling over. "Well I don't need you here you kniw that right? I'm a big boy." he replies to me as if he knew what I was about to say next. He might have said he didn't need me But I knew he did. I grab his bottle to set it down but he snags it away from me. "Stop!" he yells at me. "Go back to the hospital, that's were you belong." he added smirking at me. I couldn't help but feel hurt even if he didn't know how drunk he was. "Luke I have been through so much. Scott abused me for trying to save your ass, I got in a car wreck because you wanted to see me and I now have a huge stitching on my stomach, and you only left me a sticky note? I bet you didn't even visit me." saying it hurt me, But I had to say it. "I dis visit you Syd! I spent a whole twenty-four hours for your ass even though you wouldn't remember it! I gave up though. I wouldn't want to have my heart broken if I didn't get to see you again. It wasn't my fault you got in a car wreck... You were the one who was drunk." it stung even worse than the taste if liquor when I first tried it and it burned my throat. He was right, it was my fault. How could I stay there blaming him when he didn't do anything. I just needed to go home and sleep.




As I kiss my mother good night I can't help but feel horrible. I wobble to my room as fall on my bed, closing my eyes. My stomach started to hurt once again. Not from the accident but from my emotions. Luke Obviously didn't need me, and how could he all he did was make out with me... And once I was unconscious he couldn't go farther making him give up on me. I felt so much for him but he didn't feel anything for me. I can't do alcohol anymore to numb the pain. It had gotten to far, I just need another break from everyone. I then had an idea go through my mind. I threw on my skinny jeans, white tank, and leather jacket. I hop in my car and just drive.

Finally I pass by a sign and stoped into the parking lot. Once I get by the door I open it to see lights glowing everywhere, people getting wasted, and grinding on each other. I had my fake I.d. on me just incase they ask my age. But don't worry I wasn't going to drink, I didn't need to to have a good time. I walk Down to the dance floor and find every one jumping up and down so I do the same. I girl comes up to me and asks if I was new here. "Yeah." I reply as we jump to the same beat. "Hi my name's sugar... Well my nickname is." she says hugging me. She was sweet, I hugged her back "I'm Sydney but you can call me Syd." she grabs my hand and takes me to the bathroom were people were lined up for. We walk past everyone as we enter the bathroom being the only ones in there. "Can I do your makeup?" she asks me. "Why?" I question here things that I looked fine. "I can tell your only 18. You need to look older trust me." I tell her I'm seventeen but that I would love if she did. Having a twenty one year old friend was awesome because she knew all the latest styles. She had light blonde hair that was straight with blue bright eyes, she was wearing a blue mini dress that shown tons if cleavage but looked amazing on her. Her shoes were gold and went up her legs. She was gorgeous if I do say so myself. And I knew tonight would be so much fun. Maybe just every night could be like this.

Hey sorry had to stop for a tiny cliffhanger (haha) but next chapter I will make up for it :)

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