Happily Ever After Isn't Forever

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I rolled over in bed, pressing my face against Paul's chest. It rose and fell steadily as he slept, and I smiled, running a hand along him, absentmindedly playing with his chest hair before kissing him awake. 

"Mm good morning love," he murmured, kissing me back and twisting a hand through my hair, holding me in the kiss. 

I reluctantly broke away after a pause, resting my elbows on his chest and my chin on my hands. "So you've got a show tonight," I said with a purr, dancing my fingers along his shoulders. 

"I do. Will you be there?" he asked, taking my hand and giving it a kiss.

I giggled, wrapping my arms around his neck, resting my head on his shoulder and lying on his chest, squeezing him between my legs. "You know I will," I murmured, kissing him. 

He kissed me back, nipping playfully at my lower lip before trailing a row of kisses from my lips to my chest. I let out a soft moan, body growing hot, but he sat up, stretching with a yawn. 

"Come on Y/N, we've got things to do. Personally I'm starving," he said with a grin, kissing me on the nose before sliding out of bed. 

With a reluctant sigh, I rose to my feet and trailed after him to the kitchen, glad to see he at least hadn't put on a shirt yet. Stifling a yawn, I sat at the small table, looking at the room service menu. 

"What's on your mind, love?" Paul asked, sitting next to me and kissing me on the cheek, putting his hand on my lap and sliding it to the inside of my thigh.

"Oh, nothing. Just a bit tired," I said. "Mm, you don't have to go to the show tonight. You've been to more than enough, it won't hurt my feelings if you take a night off," he teased.

"Hmm, I actually might meet up with my friend tonight, if you don't mind. Give myself a bit of a night off," I said, mulling it over. 

He smiled, fingers moving almost scandalously close to below my waist, before giving me a sensual kiss. "Do what makes you happiest, my dear. Take a night off! Like I've said, you've been to plenty shows and there's plenty more in the future." 

"Thanks Paul. You're a sweetheart, you know that?" I asked, tapping him playfully on the nose. "Have to be a sweetheart for the sweetest woman in my life," he purred, trailing kisses from my lips to my chest.  

Later that afternoon, Paul bade me farewell as he went to get ready for the show and I went downtown to meet up with Scarlett. It had been months since I had seen her and I was so excited to meet up with her again! 

It was just as fun to catch up with her as I thought it would be. We spent hours together talking about how our lives had been over dinner. She had oh so many questions about Paul and I was more than happy to answer them as I had ended up falling head over heels in love with him, just as she had guessed I would. But eventually it got too late for the both of us so we said our farewells again with the promise of meeting up soon.

Once I returned to the hotel I ran up to our door. It was almost four hours since the show was supposed to start, there was no way Paul would still be out. I raised a hand, about to knock, before freezing. I could hear the distinct sounds of pleasured moaning and felt my heart sink, hoping desperately it was only Gene or someone else borrowing Paul's room. But that was soon disproved as the groupie moaned Paul's name loudly and his own voice was coupled with hers in their symphony of ecstasy. 

I took a step back, heart starting to race. He couldn't be. He couldn't be doing this to me. Not now, not after almost a year together, not after he begged me so desperately to love him. 

Hot tears were pricking my eyes as I backed up further, starting to get angry. I grabbed the key card, unlocking the door and walking into the main part of our suite as silently as I could. I grabbed his wallet, unsure what I was doing as I lifted out all the money he had folded in it. I could still hear him and the groupie and only got angrier and more hurt, grabbing his car keys and my jacket before leaving the room, closing the door softly behind me.

Chest heaving, I headed downstairs to the parking lot, unlocking his car and sliding behind the wheel. I was done, I was done with him and this relationship, but I wasn't going to let him off easy. 

"Well Mr. Stanley, see how you like breaking my heart," I hissed, starting the engine of his car and speeding off. 

I didn't quite know what I was doing or what I was going to do, but I did know I was pissed and I wasn't going to let him get away with what he had done.

***I realized I had ended this one but you know I have some ideas for some drama so I think I'm going to pick back up with it again! I hope you all enjoy, love you all!!('▽'ʃ♡ƪ)***

Thrills in the Night: A Y/N x Paul Stanley StoryWhere stories live. Discover now