Easier Reunions

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My phone rang and I answered the call without thinking.


H/N: Hi Y/N. It's very good to hear from you, are you safe?

Her voice was gentle but full of concern and I could feel a wave of guilt wash over me.

"I'm sorry if I scared anyone. I'm fine, I'm with a friend. Well, as fine as I can be at seven months pregnant," I mumbled.

H/N: Why aren't you answering Paul's messages?

"I'm just...I'm scared he'll be mad at me. I know he is, he must be! I just ran off, I've ignored him for months," I said.

H/N: Oh love he's not mad at you. He's worried about you, he wants you back home! He misses you immensely, he's heartbroken you're not responding. Please reach out to him.

"I'll...I'll think about it," I whispered, hanging up.

I couldn't deny that I missed him too. He was the love of my life and I wanted nothing more than to see him again.

"Scarlett?" I asked, walking into the kitchen.

"What's up?"

"I think...I think I'm going to see Paul," I said softly.

She put her hands on my shoulders.

"I think that's a good idea. Do you want me to drive you?" she asked, but I shook my head.

"No, I-I think I'd rather go alone," I murmured, grabbing my keys.

I was anxious the entire hour drive to his house. I wanted to see him, and H/N's words had helped reassure me slightly, but at the same time I was terrified she was wrong and that he did still hate me. But eventually I reached his house and there was no other choice.

I let out a sigh, resting my hands on my belly. The baby squirmed around and I felt tears welling up in my eyes, wave of love washing over me. I put both my hands on my belly, smiling at my baby bump.

"Ohh you're precious," I murmured.

The baby wriggled a bit more before settling down and I blinked back tears as best I could. I couldn't give up my baby. It was mine, my little child, I couldn't give it away. But Paul had made it quite clear he didn't want to be a father, and I was terrified to tell him I had changed my mind.

At the same time though, I couldn't hide from him any longer. I had to face him, even though no doubt he would be furious with me, for abandoning him again and this time for running away for six months. I sat in my car for a bit longer before finally walking up to his front door.

I touched the necklace around my throat for a moment, trying to reassure myself he really did love me, before ringing the bell. There was a pause before the door was pulled open. I opened my mouth to apologize but to my surprise he darted forward, wrapping me in a hug and kissing me.

"I missed you so, so much," he murmured in my ear, kissing me. "I was so worried, I miss you, I love you, I love you more than anything," he said, kissing me over and over again before taking a step back.

"Are you alright? Is our baby alright?" he asked, putting a hand on my cheek.

I was too overwhelmed to speak and just stood there, staring at him. He gently caressed my cheek, brushing his fingers through my hair, absolutely lost in my eyes.

"I love you so, so much," he murmured again after a pause.

"Aren't you angry?" I blurted out.

He gave me a startled look.

"Angry? No! Y/N I could never be angry at you, I lost my temper with you once and that never should have happened, it never will again. Please come in, you shouldn't be on your feet for too long," he said, taking my hand and leading me inside.

I felt my heart melt and followed him. We sat on the couch side by side, and he immediately rested his hand on my baby bump. The baby wriggled at his touch, squirming around.

"Y/N, I--"

"I want to keep our baby," I said, cutting him off. "I know you don't feel the same, but I love it, it's my child, I don't want to give it away," I said, terrified of what he would say.

He gave me a soft smile, kissing my hand.

"I was going to say the same thing."

I looked at him for a moment before throwing my arms around him, burying my face in his chest.

"I'm sorry I left. I'm so sorry I never responded to your messages, I thought you'd be angry, I was scared of what you'd say."

"I could never be angry at you. I love you, more than anything. I don't have a ring right now but I want to marry you, I want to spend the rest of my life with you," he murmured.

"I'm so sorry I left you," I said again, but he shook his head.

"It's alright. You were emotional, stressed, hormonal, it's understandable. And we're together now, so nothing else matters. All three of us are together," he said, putting his hand on my stomach. "You me, and our baby...?"

He trailed off, giving me a questioning look, and I put my hands on top of his.

"Girl. Our baby girl," I murmured, and he smiled.

Thrills in the Night: A Y/N x Paul Stanley StoryWhere stories live. Discover now