⚜ Chapter Thirty-Four: Run ⚜

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<<  How much longer will you continue to run?  >>

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"So, sheepdog. Have you decided?"

[Name] internally sighed, something she definitely knew the other two could hear. "Yes. Judging from your personality, you probably wouldn't let up if I didn't agree with you."

She heard a quiet sigh of relief. "So you do want to take everyone."

"Doesn't matter what I want," she replied, flipping through one of Henry's textbooks. For someone who wasn't interested in psychology, he knew more than he should've. "Depends on whether or not you could bring them."

"Of course," Norman agreed, amused.

"Though, I should add," [Name] said leisurely. "There are about 90 children here, including the ones that can't walk. Taking them out of the equation leaves 70."

"There are that much here?" Norman muttered to himself.

"That's convenient as well as inconvenient," Vincent noted. "On one hand, we outnumber the scientists greatly. On the other, getting the children out is going to be troublesome with more people."

"Indeed," Norman agreed. "Say, sheepdog. Do you have a number on the employees, demon or not, in Lambda?"

"Demon?" Vincent inquired.

"The things that eat us," Norman clarified.

"I have to be asleep to access the direct number," [Name] answered. "But from what I remember while scanning the files, there's about 40 at best. Surprisingly, two-thirds are demons. The other 13 or so are human."

"That's... a lot less than I expected," Vincent commented, Norman voicing his agreement.

[Name] leaned on her hand. "Well, it's not unusual. It wouldn't be a problem if the employees were all human, but that's not the case. We don't know much about demons, and whoever's uploading these files to me is keen on just giving me information on Lambda."

"I see," Norman sighed. "That is troublesome. But still, the fact remains that we outnumber them by plenty."

"There's a chance that the scientists could be armed though," [Name] said.

"What do you mean?" Norman asked.

"I have reason to believe that Smee was killed by my overseer," she clarified. "She told me one hour after his death, and she couldn't have gotten Smee out of Lambda, killed him, and gotten back to tell me this quickly. The fact that she knows the deed was done tells me she did it herself. Sidra doesn't like to assume things - if she wants something out of me, she wrings it out."

"Doctor Sidra Devas," Norman sighed. [Name] blinked.

"Devas?" she repeated.

"Her last name," Norman clarified. [Name] hummed.

"I've only heard her be referred as 'Doctor' or 'Sidra'," she admitted. "Perhaps she has either changed her name or has a disdain for that name."

"So she has family issues," Vincent sighed. "Fabulous."

"Don't we all?" [Name] agreed, earning a small snort from all ends of the line. "Still, it is strange. I haven't seen her ever since Smee died - well, a few days after he died."

"The fact that he died at all is strange," Norman said. "The only reason that he would be targeted is if he was in the way, or found out for being a supporter. But why would Devas kill him so soon?"

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