♫ Chapter Two: Learn ♫

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<< What makes you think I can learn? >>

«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

"Question 60, Type 5. Please give the next 5 numbers of the following sequence."


"You have now completed the examination."


The noise that signified the end of the exam sounded in [Name]'s headphones. 

[Name] collapsed back into her chair, exhausted despite the lack of movement. She'd only been taking these tests for half a year (Everyone started when they turned 4 years old). Her back ached from being hunched over for so long.

The rest of her siblings finished shortly after her, each letting out a sigh of relief when they finished. Soon, everyone had completed the test and were allowed to talk once more.

They mainly discussed the exam and their predicted scores. Most of the newer children weren't confident in their thinking skills, estimating their complete failure. In contrast, the older half of the population had already learned their mental capabilities' limits and could estimate what their score was.

"Quiet down, everyone!" Isabella called from the front of the room. All heads whipped towards her in one, synchronized motion, the room now completely silent. She smiled, bringing her attention to the papers in front of her. If possible, her smile widened when she read the contents. 

"Splendid job, Norman and Susan! You both have 300s! I'm so proud!" Their siblings clapped and congratulated the two geniuses. Susan blushed at the attention given to her, while Norman merely smiled.

"Seriously, how does Norman do it? He's like half my age." Marin sighed, leaning back. [Name] stared at him, confused, before recoiling when she realized she was placed right next to the blue-haired boy.

"Norman's REALLY smart!" This time the response was from [Name]'s other side. Emma grinned toothily, standing up in her chair and shouting her congratulations to the albino from across the room.

"Emma, sit down! And use your inside voice, thank you," Isabella scolded. Emma flushed red and ducked back down as their family laughed. She pouted, before laughing along with them.

[Name] sighed. Of course Isabella would conveniently choose to place her in between the two. Isabella rounded by their row, passing out their results. Marin looked somewhat disappointed at his score, before shrugging, balling up the paper, and tossing it into the trash without a second thought. Isabella shook her head, sighing.

She smiled kindly as she moved onto [Name]'s desk, giving her the results.

"Good job, [Name]! You jumped up in your score. Keep it up!"

Isabella ruffled [Name]'s hair, the girl emitting an almost inaudible squeak as she did so. [Name] yanked her head away childishly, sticking out her lip while trying to fix her hair. Isabella chuckled, finding amusement in the girl's despair.

"Mama!" [Name] whined, sticking out her lip. "Don't do that!"

Isabella only laughed and moved on to Emma. [Name] huffed, finally managing to smooth out her hair. She snapped her head to the side to glare at Marin, who was trying his hardest not to laugh. She puffed out her cheeks, only succeeding to make him duck under his desk to hide his laughter.

"I don't see what's so funny," [Name] mumbled. Marin howled in laughter under the desk. He attempted to resurface, only to hit his head against the desk's underside with a painful thunk. He hissed, immediately covering the injury with his hands as he writhed in silent agony.

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