1 x 6 (S)

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I followed him around the next morning like a lost puppy. From when Namjoon got up, to the shower, to the kitchen island for breakfast, up to when he was dressed and at the door to head out to the store.

Namjoon: Come on, princess. I have to go to work.

Me: I know...I just...

He looked at me softly like he always does, smiling before kissing my nose then lips with his hands holding my face up. When he did pull away, he brushed his thumb over my lips that he continued to stare at even as he spoke to me.

Namjoon: I'll make it up to you later? Do you want to come by for lunch?

Me: Mhm. After I give Kylee the honor proposal.

Namjoon: Ok...what is that exactly?

Me: I'm asking her to be the maid of honor.

Namjoon: ...Right I knew that's what that meant.

Me: Mhm. Lunch then? Your office.

Namjoon: Lunch in my office.

Me: *pouting* Byeee.

Before parting, he gave me one last kiss and I watched him drive his car to the end of the block. Back inside, I got Kylee's gift ready, changed, and headed out to work myself and waited for both Kylee and I to be available to give her the gift...which took most of the morning until it was time for me to head out for lunch.

Kylee: What did you need to talk to me about?

Me: Um...I don't have a lot of time, but here.

Kylee: What?

She took the pink bag stuffed with white tissue paper, taking it apart like the overly cautious kid on Christmas until she pulled out a pristine white Pandora jewelry box and slowly opened it to a charm for her bracelet that she wears religiously, "I can't say 'I Do' without you."

Kylee: Oh my god! This is so beautiful, I love it! Thank you so much, hun! "I can't say 'I Do' without you." Does this mean the wedding is still on?

Me: Uh huh. It does.

Kylee: Why are you grinning like that?

Me: Because~ There is a little more to the charm.

Kylee: You're scaring me.

Me: Will you be my maid of honor?


Me: *laughing* Is that a yes?


She leaned over the counter to hug me, no matter how painful it was for the both of us. I kissed her cheek and headed out, leaving her to clumbsly latch it onto her bracelet, squealing with excitement.

- 3rd Person -

In his office, Namjoon laid out the food for him and Nari to have on his coffee table. He smiled to himself as he did, more relieved than happy. He'd been freaked ever since the engagement party and hadn't been able to sleep since then, just like his fiancee.

But things are better now. They talked it out last night, things are fine. He has his princess again. That's all that matters. They will move on, laugh about it in five years when they'll be the happily married couple with a husky to keep them company. He has nothing to worry about.

Nari came into the office, poking her head in the door. Just her presence made Namjoon's dimples display themselves in a smile. He grabbed her hand to pull her inside, and quickly shut the door to his office behind them.

Namjoon: I got you the caesar salad.

Nari: Hmm. Thank you. What are you having?

Namjoon: The same thing because I'm unoriginal.

Nari: *laughing* Unoriginal or infatuated?

Namjoon: With lettuce?

Nari: *laughing* Come here.

She held his face up and pecked his lips softly, but needily, Namjoon pulled her back for another kiss. A longer kiss. A kiss long enough for both of them to forget about their lunches and get completely lost in each other.

Namjoon delicately guided Nari down onto the couch, moving his lips from her lips to her neck. But Nari quickly pulled him back. Her soft lips moved against his, matching his pace. Her soothed fingernails combed through the strains of his hair, then slipped down and deepened the kiss by pulling him closer by his neck.

Again, Namjoon left her lips in exchange for swirling his tongue along her skin, nibbling and biting down everywhere. Under him, Nari started to squirm, moaning almost inaudibly in fear of the off chance of someone coming inside.

Nari: *softly* Fuck...Joon.

Namjoon: Hm?

Nari: *quietly* Daddy.

He stared into Nari's eyes that light up when he's with her, face flushed, her lips slipping small breaths between them. Those full lips became more irresistible as Namjoon looked at them. He kissed her again, sweeter and slower.

His hands lingered down, undoing her pants and throwing them on the floor. All the pent up frustration caught up with Namjoon. He was already ready. So ready that he would beg for her to stay with him forever.

He pulled down his own pants, placing himself in front of her, Nari licking her lips. Her eyes shut close, feeling him push inside of her. Namjoon was weaker than he cared to admit, and hid it by being harsh down her neck and collarbone.

Nari's nails dug into the older's back while her moans got louder for him, the fear from earlier slipping away with every one of his thrust hitting her just right. Namjoon gripped her thighs, quickening his pace. Nari bit down on her lips with the pleasure. With the bliss.

Nari: *breathless* More...please more daddy~

Namjoon's hand found its way to her neck. He grabbed a hold of her throat, firmly without hurting his partner. In fact, he grew so conscious of it that he went from holding her throat to her hair.

His thrust started to get sloppy and Nari started moving more in sync with Namjoon's movements. It drove Namjoon crazy and he latched his lips back onto hers and his grip eased up on her.

Their moans drowned out the sounds of wetness and skin slapping together. Nari got louder and louder as she got closer to the end as did Namjoon. Both of their stomachs in knots and both of those knots coming undone.

Nari finished first, her back arching upwards and her eyes rolling back. Namjoon jumped out, spilling out on napkins that he grabbed from the table, panting, and rutting with his ropes, sweat beads balling in his forehead.

Nari: *giggling* Fuck.

Namjoon: What?

Nari: I'm still fucking shaking.

Namjoon: *laughing* Yeah?

Nari: You're a monster.

Namjoon: *smirking* I know.

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