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Namjoon: And that's the story about how mom tricked dad into eating salmon because she's an evil witch.

Me: *laughing* Enough.

Namjoon: What? They have to know the truth.

I shook my head with a smile as I put the finishing touches on the mobile on the crib that Namjoon and I struggled with, finally put together. He sat on the bay window, with the puppy Joonie at his feet, face against my belly, talking to the baby inside as if they could already hear him.

Me: *sighing* I love this room.

Namjoon: *smiling* Yeah?

Me: Mhm. I really wanted to do grey, but I think you're right with yellow. It's softer. Homy. And goes well with the view out there.

I pointed outside the window, to the view of the blue ocean, waves rising and falling softly against the white-yellow sand. Clear sky. Birds flying. Warm. This place is a paradise. Our own Eden.

Namjoon glances from the window then back to me, with his soft, brown eyes and his soft, dimple smile. He looks homy too. Wearing grey sweats and a white shirt that he's about to burst out of.

Namjoon: Yeah.

Joonie jumped from the floor and up on the seat against the window, then made himself comfortable with his head in Namjoon's lap. Ever since we got him, he has been attached to Namjoon at the hip, sometimes crying if he's not there at all time.

Me: Is he hungry?

Namjoon: I don't think so. He just ate. What about you? You hungry?

Me: I'm good.

Namjoon: Future baby, please don't be like your mother and eat more than you drink.

Me: Future baby, please don't be like your father and drink more than you eat.

Namjoon: *laughing* I do not.

Me: There are more Americano cups in the trash than there are plates.

Namjoon: Nari?

Me: Yeah?

Namjoon: Come here. Come take a break.

Me: No! I want to finish this.

Namjoon: We have all the time in the world to finish this. Take a break, and in an hour or so, we can start up again. And I want to stick on the butterflies like how your dad did in your room.

Me: *smiling* Ok. But thirty minutes. Not an hour.

Namjoon: Deal. Come here, princess. Or should I say princess one, since I have another on the way.

Me: You really want a girl huh?

His arms opened as I put my tools down and laid on his lap with Joonie, who started kissing my forehead when I rested on Namjoon too. I sat up and patted my lap. If I wasn't so close to Namjoon, Joonie would have never had come to me. And from there, I laid my head on Namjoon's shoulder instead.

Namjoon: I'm indifferent. But...gun to my head...yeah I'd prefer to have a daughter.

Me: *laughing* Why?

Namjoon: What? Do you want a boy?

Me: I'm also indifferent. This is just for conversation sake.

Namjoon: Ok. I'll be honest. I grew up babysitting those three little shits Jungkook, Taehyung, and Jimin-

Me: *laughing* Oh my god!

Namjoon: And they were fucking intolerable. I used to call Naomi while she was at school apologizing for being a little shit too. The stress I must have put her through.

Me: Everyone says you were the ringleader in their chaos.

Namjoon: When we were older. But before they were in high school I wanted to shave their fucking eyebrows.

Me: *laughing* Not the eyebrows.

Namjoon: *laughing* Yes. They drove me up a wall. Babysitting Nala was easy. She would play with her trains and video games then went to sleep.

Me: *laughing* The trauma those three left on you.

Namjoon: Scarred for life.

Me: *smiling* Word.

Namjoon: *smiling* I'm just teasing. I really don't care. Hell, we won't even know their gender until they are older and decide anyways. I just want them to be happy. That's it. Breathing and happy.

Me: They are going to be happy. Because they are going to be raised by a strong, smart, kind, and supportive father.

Namjoon: How many...do we want to have?

Me: Like? Kids?

Namjoon: Yeah. I was thinking like...eight or nine.

Me: You want to carry them?

Namjoon: *laughing* I'm fucking with you.

Me: Clearly!

Namjoon: *laughing* On a serious note. How many?

Me: Two. Just two. But not too far apart so they can grow up together.

Namjoon: Should I have tried for twins?

Me: *laughing* I hate you.

Namjoon: I'm a delight.

Me: *laughing* I'm serious. No more than two years apart.

Namjoon: *smiling* I was thinking that too. But I was going to say three years apart.

Me: I don't know. That's too long. I want them to be like...going through school together. Side by side. I wish I had that.

Namjoon: Maybe if you did you wouldn't need a sugar daddy as a freshman.

Me: *laughing* Collectively, let that go.

Namjoon: But it's our origin story! Did you hear that little buddy? Mom and dad are a Wattpad love story.

Me: You are more excited about this than I am.

Namjoon: Maybe because I'm not the pregnant one.

Me: Heh. Yeah.

Namjoon: I was worried about you at first. I came back into town and you were...throwing up all the time. Crying when you did.

Me: Because I hate throw up!

Namjoon: *laughing* Yeah. But after the first three months, I think things started to get better.

Me: They did. Once I got used to not drinking with TGIT.

Namjoon: *laughing* Come on.

Me: I'm serious.

Namjoon: So am I. I'm really happy about all of this. It's like we've been planning this forever. Our family. A little you running around.

Me: Everything's coming together.

Namjoon: No. Everything has.


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