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Within a few months, Namjoon and his parents had their lawyers file a very strict restraining order on Minseo. And it was back to regular life, with me trying to be less and less skeptical of everything coming my way.

It also led to me and Namjoon somehow being more needy for each other than we already were. So much that outside of work we didn't want to leave the house without each other, which resulted to us not leaving the house.

I just feel really secure now. More than I did before. I know sometimes I can be ridiculous, like when I literally climb into Namjoon's shirt to cuddle him, but now I'm just shameless about it. We both are. And this bringing us closer...maybe it's a blessing in disguise.

In the middle of us laying on the couch, holding each other while watching Killing Eve, the doorbell rang. We both looked at each other confused, then Namjoon's face lit up, remembering that Shindigs was supposed to send us cake slices to taste after our first scheduled one was crashed.

He bent down so I could climb on his back, and carried me to the door. He gave the caterer their tip, smiled, and brought the cake and me back to the couch and coffee table with two forks, and resumed the show.

Namjoon: Ok, so, this is a lemon cake, vanilla icing. This is the marble cake with vanilla icing. This one is...chocolate on chocolate. Then we have vanilla on chocolate icing, and vanilla on vanilla. This one is a chocolate infused haitian rum cake.

Me: Hmm. That sounds great.

Namjoon: Yeah. And then we have the oreo wedding, which is chocolate cake with cream icing between the layers and decorated in oreos.

Me: That sounds great, but like...that might be too heavy for a wedding.

Namjoon: You want to cross it out already.

Me: Yeah.

Namjoon: If it was up to me we would just have-

Me: Pies~

Namjoon: Yes. Pies are superior.

Me: Hmm. Do we still have the apple pie your mom made?

Namjoon: There is a slice in the fridge. We can split it after we have tried all of these cakes. Starting with the lemon.

Me: Ok.

Namjoon: What are you doing?

Me: I'm going to feed you.

Namjoon: Nari, I am a grown man.

Me: *smiling* Say "ahhh".

Namjoon: *sighing* Ahhh.

Me: *giggling* How is it?

Namjoon: I mean it's good but...they really mean a lemon cake.

Me: Is it sour?

Namjoon: No it's just tart. The icing is the only flavor of it.

Me:'re right.

Namjoon: Lemon out. Which one do you want to try next?

Me: Marbel!

Namjoon: Alrighty.

Me: So, what are you doing for your bachelor party?

Namjoon: I'm not having one.

Me: Why?!

Namjoon: It would be me going out with the boys, watching Yoongi and Hoseok get drunk and karaoke together. That's any other Friday night for me. And the concept is weird.

Me: What's weird about it?

Namjoon: *eating* Really? The whole last night of freedom thing?

Me: Who says that?

Namjoon: Literally everyone.

Me: My dad said it's about having fun to blow off the steam of wedding planning.

Namjoon: *laughing* Your dad was a wholesome man.

Me: Mostly.

Namjoon: *laughing* Mostly. How is it?

Me: It's too sweet. Chocolate please?

Namjoon: Ok. But yeah.

Me: I really think you should have one.

Namjoon: You mean have one of your dad's definition of a bachelor party?

Me: Yep. And I don't see it as "last night of freedom thing."

Namjoon: You see it as "let's rub it in everyone's faces that I'm going to get married in four months" thing.

Me: You know me so well.

Namjoon: *laughing* I'll talk to the boys, see what they want to do. But if I'm having one, I want it to be a joint thing.

Me: Of course. I can talk to Kylee and your sisters.

Namjoon: How's the chocolate?

Me: I fucking love chocolate, of course I like it. It's actually less sweet than the marble. I want the vanilla next.

Namjoon: On chocolate or on vanilla?

Me: All the vanilla!

Namjoon: Okay. Have you decided on your bridesmaids?

Me: Kylee, obviously is the maid of honor.

Namjoon: Uh huh.

Me: And then the other bridesmaids are going to be Naomi, BB, and Peach.

Namjoon: She won the bridesmaids war thing?

Me: Yup. By a landslide. *laughing* Can you believe she did Touch for her dance.

Namjoon: By Anda?

Me: *laughing* Yeah!

Namjoon: You have special friends.

Me: What about you?

Namjoon: Jimin said he was going to escort Nala, so he's not going to be a groomsman. But Yoongi is the best man. And then Taehyung, Jungkook, and Hoseok are going to be groomsmen. Also, Taehyung wants to perform at the reception.

Me: What is he performing?

Namjoon: Someone special, he said. That he's working on specifically for us.

Me: I'm okay with that. Actually, I really like that.

Namjoon: Yeah, and Yoongi said he'll take care of the DJ and music.

Me: Cool. And you said a while ago Jin is going to be the minister?

Namjoon: Yeah...I don't know how he got that license but he did.

Me: *laughing* Ok. How many people are you inviting?

Namjoon: Depends on how many people you are inviting.

Me: Don't do that.

Namjoon: No, this is for real. At least for the ceremony. I don't want to have your guest list be three percent of the entire audience.

Me: I have people I can invite! I mean there is Mari, Sooji and her plus one, Si-hyun, and then Zo has a plus one too, Troye, and I don't know who Mari is going to invite, but I know she's going to take someone.

Namjoon: That's only six people.

Me: Yeah...

Namjoon: Honestly, I've done the whole wedding, big guest list thing. It's overrated.

Me: Mhm.

Namjoon: Nari, it's ok. Really. It'll be great. Your friends, my family. Small and intimate. And then we can have the extravaganza afterwards.

Me: Ok.

Namjoon: How are the vanillas?

Me: ...too sweet. 

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