14: Memories PT. 2

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Elsa's POV:

The sleigh transported to an unfamiliar setting. We were in the sky and in front of us was a huge mountain but something was coming towards us.

"North!" Bunnymund shouted and pointed straight. I squinted my eyes to get a closer look, they looked like black specks but they became bigger and turned into Nightmare horses. I widened my eyes in fear.

"Jack! Take over!" North handed the reigns to Jack who gladly obliged. North took out two swords from his waist and started slicing the manes one by one. North took out one horse which dropped something and I ran to pick it up.

It was a golden cylinder box with a child's picture on the side. "Bunny, is this... what I think it is?" I showed him the box. His eyes widened as I did so, "The teeth." My eyes widened and I gasped, I was right.

He's stealing the teeth...

He's stealing the memories.

The picture on the side shows a child, a girl. She has long brown hair, brown eyes, and a gentle smile. I picked up as many boxes as I could and ended with three. I looked around to see what was happening.

Merida was shooting the horses with her bow at hand, Hiccup had his flaming sword and used the same movements as North, Rapunzel used her hair as whips, Eugene used Rapunzel's frying pan, Bunny threw his boomerangs rapidly, and Sandy used his Dream Sand the best he could.

While me, I don't think I'm being that useful. I can't use my powers in front of them, what would they think of me? Damn it, think Elsa, think! The nightmares are still coming after us, I got an idea.

I picked up my dress and ran to the edge of the sleigh and jumped, I landed on one of its wings. "Elsa! What are you doing!" I heard someone say but I ignored them. Nightmare horses were coming my way, I looked around me to see if anyone was looking but they seem too distracting with the fighting.

I secretly used my powers to make an icicle, it was a good length and the edge was pointy. I rolled it around in my hand and gripped it tightly, I swiftly turned sharply halfway and threw the icicle at the Nightmare.

The icicle hit one, then two, then three, then five. I hit five Nightmares with one icicle, I widened my eyes at the sight. I quickly created another one without anyone looking and threw it to the other Nightmares nearby. I hope no one sees this.

I notice that we are now inside the Tooth Palace, but it looks... deserted. All of a sudden the sleigh stops almost making me fall but I grab on to something to prevent it. My breathing is heavy and my heart is out of control, I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turn around to see Merida.

"You alright, lass?" I nodded my head and we all get off the sleigh.

"Tooth!" North boomed, I saw Toothiana flying frantically in worry. "They took them, again. Everything." She descended and sat down in defeat. Then one of her little fairies came up to her, "Oh, thank goodness, one of you is alright." She smiled in relief.

I came into realization and headed back to the sleigh to get the remaining teeth. I went up to her and knelt down next to her, she looked at me with confusion until she saw what I was holding.

"Not everything is gone." I smiled faintly and gave her the tubes. She smiled brightly, "Oh, thank you so much!" She hugged me tightly and pulled back on the verge of tears. I smiled at her.

"Who are they?" I asked gesturing to the tubes. One of the tubes was the girl from earlier, and the other two were boys with dark hair, brown eyes, and a smile on their faces. (A/N: it's my brothers and me)

"I remember these children, and these three happen to be siblings. Don't you notice how they look alike?" I looked at them again, and they did happen to have similar features.

"Two brothers and a sister," I whispered with a smile, "must be nice." I sighed with a smile still plastered on my face.

"North, what are we going to do?" Rapunzel asked with worry. North just smiled, "Same as last time, we will collect the teeth!" He said excitedly, Tooth flew up to him.

"North, we can't remember last time?" When she said that the Guardians looked at Sandy in worry. "We can't risk it." Tooth turned back to North.

"What about the children?" Bunny questioned, it became silent for a while. No one said anything it was just silent, quite. I can't believe I'm doing this.

I cleared my throat and everyone looked at me. "How about we could go?" I gestured to Hiccup, Merida, Rapunzel (Punzie), Eugene, Jack, and me. North looked at me like I was crazy.

"No! No, absolutely not." He shook his head it startled me a bit by his tone. "It's too dangerous, we can't risk anyone getting hurt." North explained. Jack stood up, "We can do it North, if we go, then you guys can do the rest of your duties and kids would start believing in Tooth again. I promise we will be careful, no one will get hurt tonight."

North sighed in defeat, "Jack, I'm putting you in charge." After that, he headed back to the sleigh. Tooth flew in front of us. "Then it's settled, the six of you will be leaving tonight. And don't forget to leave gifts for the kids." Tooth reminded looking at Jack who flushed in embarrassment.

We all walked back to the sleigh and headed back to the workshop by using another snow globe. Once we arrived, we went to rest.

We're going to need it.


Hello everyone! I am so sorry for not updating in so long, to be honest I've been having some writers block because I became so focused on my second book. Go check that out!

But in the next chapter I'm planning on making it in Anna's POV for all of you Kristanna shippers. But also because there isn't any Anna or Kristoff in this story so I'm going to start that.

That's all...

Bye my Fellow Guardians! And enjoy the rest of your day! ;)

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