12: You've Been Warned

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Elsa's POV:

We all decided to go back inside because of slight exhaustion. Everyone except Jack agreed and we all headed back towards the workshop after Rapunzel introduced us to her husband Eugene. He was a very nice man and looks perfect for her, I just hope it won't be the same situation like how Anna's was with Hans.

All of the Guardians were still here which surprised me. I thought they went back to do their jobs, but I didn't mind nonetheless. North was right, after some time together we all bonded and got along. I think that makes us friends now which is good because we will have to work together.

"Hey! North, we're back!" Jack exclaimed and soon all four of the remaining Guardians came towards us. "So, did you get along?" North asked. "You could say that." Hiccup said which was followed by Merida playfully hitting his arm. The sight made me chuckle. "Any updates on Pitch?" Jack interrogated but North shook his head as a response. "Not yet, my friend, but it will be soon. I feel it in my belly." North chuckled, then Bunny came in.

"If I hear anything else about you belly, you're gonna loose a finger, mate." Bunny threatened. North put his hands up in surrender, "But, my belly is never wrong." They continued bickering which left Jack standing there, quite amused. "Are they always like this?" I asked him and he just shrugged his shoulders. I chuckled softly, but it ended when we felt a strong breeze inside the workshop followed by an evil and cold laugh.

"What's that?!" Rapunzel yelled from behind Eugene who is holding her protectively. "I know that laugh from anywhere." Muttered Jack but I could clearly hear him. Then something, actually someone appeared on the globe. It was a tall man with a dark appearance. He has silver-golden yellow eyes resembling an eclipse, dull pale-gray skin, and glossy black hair that is styled to come out as slick spikes from the back of his head. He wears a long, black robe with a v neck line and shadows running down his arms, obscuring his body like a shadow.

My eyes widen when I heard his name "Pitch Black." Jack said with disgust. "That's Pitch Black, the man we are supposed to defeat?" I said taking a few steps back. Pitch let out yet another laugh, "None of you stand a chance against me." He glanced at all of us from above then turned to the other Guardians. "Remember last time? Oh, what sight it was to see you all crumble. To see you all weak, vulnerable," he continued,

He turned his direction to Hiccup, Merida, Rapunzel, Eugene, and me. "And what do we have here? Mortals? Pathetic." He spat but then smiled. "I sense the fear, it's strong here. Someone's afraid." He turned his attention to me and smiled creepily. "Elsa,The Snow Queen. You've always been my favorite when it comes to my strength. I could smell your fear like a stench." He explained while I took a few more steps back.

"Your afraid you will loose control. Your afraid that you will hurt your little sister again." He was right, tears began to form on my waterline but they never fell. I could see through my now blurry vision that Jack was looking at me with concern. Rapunzel, Eugene, Hiccup, and Merida are taking glances at me and then back to Pitch as he continues talking. "You don't want them to think you're the monster you've always been. You fear that you will kill everyone in your path!" He yelled. Tears fell from my eyes as I held my head in my hands muttering "stop" after his every statement.

My knees were weak but I somehow managed to stand. "You're afraid to put everyone's life in danger by setting another Eternal Winter!" He just got louder and louder. My hands tightened around my head "Stop it! Stop it!" I yelled, he is making it really difficult for me to suppress my powers. Pitch's threats are causing me to receive a headache, but the power I am keeping inside is giving me some sort of heart attack. I open my eyes to see everything is blurry and all I could hear is the beating of my heart in my ears.

Then I couldn't take it anymore. I screamed at the top of my lungs and fell to my knees while holding my head, crying. I somehow managed to keep my powers in but the pain remained. I felt someone embrace me, I looked up and tried my best to see clearly. I saw white hair and blue eyes. Jack...

No, no. He can't come near me. All I'm going to do is hurt him, hurt everyone. I tried my best to push him off but he just hugged me tighter. I then just gave up and tried to calm down. The pain in my chest and head subsided and I could finally hear and see clearly. I heard Pitch's evil laugh and Jack calming me saying, "It's okay, I'm here I won't let him hurt you it's going to be alright." I smiled thankfully at him and started to stand. I wiped my tears away and stood straight.

"You, have no right to order me around and make me weak!" I yelled, "Have you forgotten? I am the King of Nightmares and Fear, it's my job to spread misery around the globe and to make sure these lights," he pointed at the globe filled with the lights of childrens' beliefs, "die out." His eyes lit up as if he got an idea. I'm not going to like this.

"That means to keep you busy from your jobs." He stated and then snapped his fingers.

I suddenly felt another breeze as it grew stronger. I looked around and saw Nightmare Sand at my feet. The wind twirled around me like a tornado and I felt something slither up my spine and wrap around my waist. It tied my arms with it, I yelped when my feet no longer touched the floor and I was brought up and stopped midway in the air. The breeze was still there but I heard war cries and weapons clashing together. The Guardians were clearly fighting Pitch, but why am I in this state?

When the breeze stopped and I could finally see clearly, I looked down and gulped and muttered "No." I was no longer on the ground and was in the air, floating. But down below, I see the Guardians in a fighting position but look weak and beaten. "Elsa!" I looked to my right and see Rapunzel in the same position as me only a few feet away. I look at my left and see Merida in the same state struggling to get out of the sand death trap.

I followed her actions and started struggling as well, but the sand only wrapped around me tighter. I decided to try and freeze it by my energy was drained. I looked at Merida and see that she was trying to remain conscious and Rapunzel started struggling once again. I heard below that everyone was yelling at Pitch to release us but of course Pitch had other plans. "Well, let's see what I could do now." He stated and that's when I felt pain.

The restrains that are holding me tighten around my body, like it was trying to suck the life out of me. He was doing the same to Rapunzel and Merida and I see them struggling more. "The more you struggle, the tighter the will get." I winced in pain as they wrapped around me tighter, I heard Rapunzel scream in pain. They wrapped around me so tight, I swear I heard my arm crack.

Pitch laughed once more. "I will destroy all of you pathetic Guardians, and this time there will be nothing but fear and misery. I will make you suffer, mark my word." Shadows started to loom around him and he continued. "You have been warned." And he disappeared.

Once he was gone the restrains released me and I was falling, but someone caught me. Rapunzel and Merida were safe from the fall, all three of us felt weak. I was going in and out of consciousness as I felt that I was laid down on a mattress. Then everything went black.

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! Tell me your New Year's Resolution in the comments.
Bye My Fellow Guardians! And enjoy the rest of your day! :)

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