6: First Impressions

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Elsa's POV:

I could breath better now. The sacks' opening was my only source of oxygen but I didn't dare to come out. I heard unfamiliar voices outside, I started shaking with fear. I started listening.

"They're here!" Said a voice with a Russian Accent.

"What's in the sack?" Said a voice that was calmer and sweet.

"Oh! You'll see." Said another voice with an Australian Accent.

I still didn't want to go outside, but I had no choice. I couldn't breath again, so I got out as fast as I could to the outside world.

The first thing I did was take a gasp for air and then I started panting. Breath in, Breath out. I took deep slow breaths using my elbows to support my weight. Once I looked up I saw everyone's eyes staring at me with concern.

"W-who are you people?" I stuttered looking at everybody in the room. "Sorry about putting you in the sack, are you alright?" Said the man with Russian Accent, I nodded. Then all of the fairy tales from the children's book I read came to me.

A man wearing red has a long white beard and blue eyes, Santa Clause.

A hummingbird-lady with colorful feathers on her body and had wings and violet eyes, the Tooth Fairy.

A tall kangaroo thing with grayish-blue fur with patterns, boomerangs and has green eyes, the Easter Bunny.

A little golden man made of golden sand and golden brown eyes, The Sandman.

A tall boy with white hair, a blue hoodie, brown pants, beautiful blue eyes, pale skin, and a staff, Jack Frost.

There were also three other people I don't know, but I will learn soon. I start to get my whole body out of the sack and stand up. I was still trying to catch my breath from what happened.

"What do you want from me?" I ask softly. Santa walked up first.

"Alright, now that everyone is here, allow us to introduce ourselves." He started, but I cut him off politely. "Excuse me, I already know who you are." I say softly. Santa looked at me "You do?" He asks shocked. I nodded slowly.

"But let's introduce ourselves to know who we are." Santa explained.

"I am Santa Clause or North as you may know." North said.

"I'm Toothiana the Tooth Fairy, but call me Tooth." Tooth introduced.

"I'm Bunnymund the Easter Bunny, call me Bunny." Bunny said bored.

"Right there is the Sandman or Sandy." North replied for Sandy who doesn't talk.

"I'm Jack Frost, better known as Jack." Jack said confidently.

I was correct, they are the fairy tales I've read as a child. A part of me was happy and another part was shocked. Then it was the other three people I haven't met before. The blonde woman went first.

"Hi! I'm Rapunzel, but call me Punzie if you want. I have magic hair that glows when I sing." Rapunzel said.

"I'm Hiccup, I'm the first Dragon Trainer back at home and this is Toothless, my dragon." Hiccup replied.

"I'm Merida, I'm a Master at Archery, I never miss the target." Merida said with a Scottish Accent.

"I'm Queen Elsa of Arrendelle, or the Snow Queen and I am pretty unextraordinary." I said with poise.

They all nodded understandingly, I didn't want to tell them about my powers, I don't fully trust them. What if I hurt them?

I have control over my powers, but not my emotions.

"Can any of you tell us why we're here?" Hiccup asked trying to stop Toothless before he attacks anyone. I was thinking the same thing.

"You are all New Guardians!" North exclaimed, then loud trumpets started playing making me jump at the sudden noise. All four of us looked at each other with confusion on our faces.

A Guardian! How can I be a Guardian, I thought. I looked at North and he looked at me and I gestured him to stop. North told the creatures to end what they were doing. Hiccup was calming Toothless, Rapunzel was holding her chest and breathing heavily, and Merida was checking to see if her ears were still working.

"I'm sorry but, a Guardian?" I asked North nodded "What's a Guardian?" Merida asked.

"Well, see those lights," Tooth pointed to the huge globe in the room with a lot of twinkling lights, then started explaining. "Each of those lights is a child who believes in us, and whether they are good or bad, we protect them." Tooth explained to us.

"You are all Guardians of what exactly?" Hiccup asked all of the Guardians. North went up first.

"I'm the Guardian of Wonder." North said. Then Tooth went up.

"I'm the Guardian of Memories." Tooth explained.

"I'm the Guardian of Hope." Bunny said confidently.

"Sandy is the Guardian of Dreams." North replied for Sandy.

"And I'm the Guardian of Fun." Jack said lastly.

"So, all of you protect the wonder, hopes, and dreams of young children?" I guessed to see if I'm correct. "Something like that." Jack replied, I smiled at him and he smiled back.

Then at the corner of my eye, something moved and left a trail of a grainy looking substance...



Here you go you guys it's a little longer than the other chapters I've done and I would also like to thank you guys again!!!

I would also like to thank @TheFrostQueenElsa for voting and reading and commenting on my book it just keeps me going thank you so much for the support on telling me to update and say that I'm a good writer.

And since The Big Five finally met you know what this means...


For all of you Jelsa, Mericcup, Eugenzel, and Kristanna shippers out there it's time. I'm going to work my magic on all ships. There's gonna be drama, romance, and a ton of PDA. This might even be a rated PG-13 story.

So get ready to Fangirl!

See ya in the next chapter my Fellow Guardians!

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