10: Do You Wanna Build A Snowman?

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Elsa's POV:

I watch as everyone plays in the snow as I sit at a safe distance from them. Everyone is making snow angels and catching snowflakes, but now they are currently having a snowball fight. I smile at their playful demeanor. It reminds me of Anna and I when we were children, always counting on each other when we needed them most. But this soon led to darker thoughts of when we had to separate and begin my isolation.

Whenever she asked me if I wanted to build a snowman, it was so difficult to reject or not say anything at all, and that was followed by sobbing until I fell asleep. I never really had a normal childhood because of my powers, but I never knew how they were passed down to me. The only information I received from my parents is that I was born with them, but what caused me to have them when all my other relatives don't have powers? There must be something my parents weren't telling me.

I sighed, knowing the fact my parents are dead and now I have no sources to find out the reason for this ability. Mama. Papa. They never left my memories ever since I was 18 when they died, I never forgotten about them. Tears started to form on my waterline and I choked out a whimper. I covered my mouth and closed my eyes shut at the memories, I didn't even go to their funeral.

It started snowing lightly then it became faster. My eyes widened but I was thankful that the others didn't notice. I wiped my eyes and thought about love, and the storm instantly died down. I sighed in relief but I really need to learn how to control my emotions. I stared at the ground deep in thought and after a few moments, "Why the long face Snow Queen?" Said a voice from behind me.

I nearly jumped and quickly spun around to be faced by the one and only Jack Frost. He had a mischievous smirk on his face but his eyes were filled with concern. I pretended that the event never occured, "It is nothing, I am fine." I replied but of course that didn't fool him. "I know there is something wrong, I saw you crying a while ago." He said as he sat down next to me, "Well, I just miss my sister, Anna." It hurt to lie to him but it was part of the truth.

He looked at me for a second, "Well don't worry, you will see her again." He smiled I smiled back but his eyes tell me that he didn't fall for what I said, Well, I am a terrible liar. I thought, I stared at the others having fun with each other as they pelted each other with snowballs.

"Why didn't you join us?" He asked out of the blue. I can't tell him the truth, what will he think of me? I closed my eyes for a moment, thinking. "Well, I have never had much fun in a long time. I am also not used to being with new people." He looked at me with little shock but he gave me a warm smile after.

"Well, I could help with that. Look at their faces, " He pointed to Merida, Hiccup, and Rapunzel still having a snowball fight. "Their smiles. They're happy, with so much still ahead of them, us too." He explained I smiled at him. "Of course, everyone deserves to be happy." I replied and he smiled back at me.

"Well, come on. " He ordered, he stood up and brought his hand out for me to take. I hesitated for a moment. But I told him this, "But I don't deserve happiness." I said sadly but when I looked at him in the eyes, he looked like he wanted me to be happy. "Yes you do, you're just too scared to admit it." He said and kneeled down to my eye level.

"Please, let me help you." He pleaded, I bit my lip deciding what I should do and it was not like a life threatening decision, it would not hurt to at least try and have fun again. "If I must, then I will try." I finally gave in and he smiled from ear to ear. "Then come on." He grabbed my arm and dragged me closer to the other three. He stopped when we were at a close distance. "We'll start out small." He said.

It was heart warming how he would help me soften up and have fun, it showed how much he cared for my happiness. Without thinking, I hugged him. He was caught off guard but after a few seconds, I felt his arms wrap around my waist. "Thank you, Jack" I stated, "No problem." And we pulled apart. With a wave of his staff, snowflakes began to fall. The others stopped what they were doing and looked at the beauty Jack made, I began to catch some in my palms with a big smile on my face and I saw Jack looking at his creation. He saw me looking at him and smiled and I immediately turned away, blushing.

Then something cold hit my shoulder, I turned around and saw Jack with a snowball in his hand, smirking. I grinned deviously and created one of my own, Hopefully no one saw that. I threw my snowball at him and he threw one too, soon we we're pelting each other with snowballs.

Rapunzel began to join, the Hiccup, and soon Merida did as well. Now we were having a snowball fight, I began laughing as I was hit once again. It has been a long time since I laughed, it felt nice. We continued with our battle until we were all tired and sat down, breathless.

"That was fun! We should do it again sometime." Rapunzel exclaimed and we all nodded. Everyone else decided to do something else and left me and Jack alone. He was still trying to catch his breath from before.

"Elsa?" He asked after a moment of silence. I hummed in response and looked at him with a grin.

"Do you wanna build a snowman?"


Hello, My Fellow Guardians! I know it has been a long time, if it has thenI am soooo sorry!

And you may notice that I KEEP ON CHANGING THE COVER! It's just because I always have these new Ideas and I try and make it into reality tell me what you think of the new cover! I made it myself.


But I guess I better go, Bye My Fellow Guardians, and enjoy the rest of your day.

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