Chapter 2

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Chapter Two

I abruptly awoke from my dreamless sleep only to the blaring sound of Ke$ha's song Tik Tok. Tahnee stretched out her arms from under her sheet and fiddled around with her phone until the song stopped.

"Morning," I reluctantly said, I am not a morning person at all,

"Morning, are you going to come for a jog with me this morning?" Tahnee asked excitedly while slipping her hair up into a pony-tail.

"Me? Running?" I laughed at this and stalked my way through her door and out into the kitchen. I sat myself down at the breakfast bar and immediately turned to glare at Aaron - Tahnee's older brother, and my older cousin - who was whistling some tune. Why is everyone in this family so happy in the morning?

"Morning, big day today" Aaron shot a smile in my direction but I chose to ignore it. Ugh, being half asleep had made me completely forget that today was my first day at Modbury High. I walked back into Tahnee's and my room, pulling out my new uniform.

I had purposefully bought a size to small, although I still felt the need to pull my skirt up just that little bit more. Black tights were mandatory to wear under the blue and red plaid skirt (now mini-skirt). The white button-up shirt was meant to be done up all the way, with the tie that matches the skirt, so tight it would choke you to death. Of course, me being me, I loosened the tie and un-did the first few buttons.

I started straightening my blonde hair when Tahnee came bursting through the door, huffing and puffing like a steam train.

"Hey, I'm just going to have a quick shower. Oh and Aaron said he was going to take us to school today," Tahnee grabbed a few things from her wardrobe and left the room once more.

I continued straightening my hair, and started putting on some make-up when Tahnee came back into the room - she wasn't kidding when she said it would be a quick shower.

We finished getting ready in silence and headed outside towards the garage where Aaron was already sitting waiting for us to get in the car. __________________________________________________________________________________

I stepped out into the warm air, wishing I was back in the cool car with air conditioning. I followed Tahnee into the main building where she was greeted by one chatty girl, who Tahnee did not look interested in talking to.  

"Tahnee! Oh. My. Gosh! It's been, like, forever since I have seen you!" One small wanna-be Tahnee shrieked. I guessed she was only 13, maybe 14.

"Brooke, it's only been a few weeks, and I told you that if you keep annoying- I mean, talking to me, then your friends will get jealous of me and won't want to be your friend, so you better go and make them feel like you still care about them even though you're just so cool." Tahnee rolled her eyes as the little 8th grader happily skipped off.

"I'm so sorry," Tahnee apologized before continuing, "Ok, so I talked to the principle and I convinced her to put your locker next to mine." I looked up from my heels click-clacking on the ground and into her large brown eyes. They twinkled with excitement and her large grin was spread wide across her face.

It was hard to not notice the crowds of people separating for Tahnee when she walked, and the young girls waving at her, trying desperately to become like her.

"Wow, you have quite the reputation here, Little Miss Popularity?" I laughed and watched her blush deeply, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

We finally reached the end of the long corridor and found our lockers.  A pretty blonde came running up to Tahnee giving her a tight hug, her brown eyes shutting tightly before letting go and staring at me questioningly.

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