Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I walked down the empty hallways, trying to find where on Earth Mick would be at lunch time. I was about to turn down towards the library, when something caught my attention.

“- Mum, please just listen. I know that we are tight on money, but if we move closer to the city then-”

Mick’s voice echoed within the halls and confusion filled my head once more as I listened to the conversation unfold.

“- Yea. Ok, I have to go now, bye mum.” I heard the call end and footsteps started heading in my direction.

I froze, my heart beating a mile per second. I quickly glanced around, crap nowhere to hide. Panic starting rising as the sound became closer and each step more distinct.

Maybe if I stay still enough he will mistake me for a statue...

“Hey, Kels, what are you doing in here?” Or maybe not...

“Oh, Mick, wow, what a surprise. I didn’t hear you at all you are so quiet, I swear; I did not hear a thing,” I shakily laughed trying to break the tension.

“Um, right yea sure. Hey listen, do you want to maybe get some... - actually don’t worry.” Mick suddenly cut himself off, glancing over my shoulder it looked as though he had seen a ghost.

“What are you looking at?” I curiously asked, turning around.

I felt a small gasp escape my lips as I read the poster that was only just newly stuck onto the glass panel.

The Cadella’s Daily

1.       Never trust strays that enter your house – they always leave a mess

2.       If someone tries to knock you down, know them back twice as hard


3.       Revenge is sweet.

This Daily notice is in honour of


Have a nice day sluts. 

“What is this supposed to be?” I asked furiously, ripping the poster down while Mick stood there dumbstruck.

I felt tears stinging in the back of my eyes, not tears of sadness or embarrassment - tears of frustration and betrayal. So that’s what Tahnee thought of me now was it? Just a stray that her family took in.

“You – You’re one of them now?” Was all Mick could muster up the courage to say, his disappointment soon turned into anger, his eyes cutting into mine. “How could you? How could be like one of them,” he spat out the word, almost disgusted that they even existed.

“Hey, that is my cousin you’re talking about!” Ok so she may not be my favourite person at the moment, but she is still definitely still my family.

“Yea, I can tell you’re related. You are both deceiving little –“

“Hey! Don’t talk about my family like that in front of me, ever!” Mick’s voice didn’t quaver one bit, the tonelessness of it made it sound even more threatening than if he were screaming his head off at me.

“You never even liked me did you? I bet everything I have told you out of confidence you just reported back to The Cadella to ‘earn your keep’.” Tears welled up in my eyes now, how could I not like him? I had tried before, and it didn’t work.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2011 ⏰

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