Chapter 5

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In case you guys didnt read the small changes to the last chapter - Mick has a little sister Cassandra who is 7 :)  


Chapter 5

“Kelsey! Tahnee! Look! They have put the posters up for the Autumn Dance already!” Elle exclaimed running up to us in the hallway.

“Ugh. Elle can you tone it down an octave or two, I’m still half asleep,” I complained, tugging my blue school jumper down over my hands, I hated autumn mornings – they make it so cold that you can’t get out of bed, winter was worse.

Unlike me, Tahnee was practically jumping up and down in excitement.

“Really?! What’s the theme this year? I so have to get Derek to ask me to go with him this year...” Not knowing, or for that matter caring, who Derek was I continued walking to our lockers.

I looked at my time table I had taped to the back of my locker to see what was up first.

PE. Great.

The only plus side to PE was that we didn’t have to wear our formal uniform and we got to wear our shorts and t-shirts on the days we had it.

I started putting my bag in my locker when the bell went. People started entering the building and the halls filled up rapidly.

I pulled my hair up into a messy bun, grabbed my water bottle and headed over to the oval.

I reached the oval and started searching for Sofie before Miss Bucks started talking.

“Ok, everyone to warm up jog one lap around the oval.” Oh well, too late.

“Hey, Miss Bucks is so hard isn’t she?” Sofie said once she had caught up to my side.

PE was the only class I had without Tahnee, Mindy, Sam or Elle. Luckily Sofie was easy to talk to.

“Hey, yea I know. Come on, I’ll race you to the finish.”

We finished the lap puffing, I really was not fit. At my old school I had just gotten daddy to pay me out of PE lessons and I took an extra study period – unfortunately that wasn’t the case here.

“Alright, well done everyone. Now, we have too many people in this class for everyone to be on the field at once so we’ll rotate it so three of you will be off at a time. Sofie, Jess and Kelsey; you’re off first.” I looked over to Sofie who was smiling as well.

We walked over to the bench and I placed myself next to Sofie, with Jess sitting on the grass by our feet, tugging her soccer boots on.

I tried to watch the game of soccer that was being played out, but I really couldn’t focus. It seems neither could Sofie.

“So your officially one of The Cadella now?” Sofie asked intently, not looking at me when she spoke, “I guess that means we can’t talk anymore.”

“What? What the hell is The Cadella? And why would that mean I can’t talk to you?” Confusion filled my mind; I swear this girl was taking something.

“You’re one of them and you don’t even know who they are? You would think they would at least have the courtesy to tell you what bitches they are.”

“What on Earth are you talking about Sofie?”

“The Cadella are the only leaders this school has. Girls want to be them; guys want to be with them. They never let anyone in their group, apart from some exceptions. They are the definition of bitch. If anyone stands up to them then they will make their lives hell. Or if anyone in the group does anything against one of their unspoken rules they are kicked out by Tahnee and Elle.” What she had just said stunned me into silence.

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