Part 9 - Jaehyun

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"Okay, thank you." Kacey stands on her tiptoes and kisses my cheek. I freeze. I don't even watch her leave. My hand goes to my cheek. Her lips, her lips were so soft. I take out my phone and text her.

To Kacey:
Are you safe? Text me when you get to the building.

I put my phone in my pocket. I stand there against the wall. My brain racing. I shake off the feeling of nervousness and run out of the restaurant. I wave over a cab, get in the cab and tell them where to go. I tap my leg and take a deep breath. After a few minutes, SM comes into view. Once the cab stops, I get out and walk inside. I know exactly where Jeno would have gone. I turn to the staircase and run up them. Once I was on the second floor I see Kacey in the patio door way, I move fast to stay out of their view. I watch Jeno rub her back. I watch her stand, then shut the door and sit by her in a rocking chair. I squat down, watching them talk. After what seemed like an hour but was probably only five minutes, Kacey gets up. I panic and run down the stairs, and stand at the bottom of them trying to catch my breath. I hear someone start to walk down the stairs.

"Jaehyun?" Johnny says rubbing his eyes. "Why are you-"

"HUSH" I push him away from the stairs. "Go get water or whatever. Don't be by the stairs."

"Okay I am not going to question this, but I am concerned," Johnny furrows his eyebrows and shakes his head. I watch him walk to the kitchen. I then hear loud and fast footsteps, and see Kacey. She wasn't at all looking at me. Once she gets to the bottom of the stairs, she stares at me.

"Let me at least get you ice cream," I say gently. I watch her sigh a happy sigh, then smile.

"Okay dimples, ice cream it is," she walks to me, hooking my arm with hers. My heart was beating so fast. I couldn't handle it. "Lead the way." I smile and open the door, walking out with her.

"There is an ice cream shop right around the corner. They do dipped cones," I say, putting my hand on her arm.

"That sounds amazing," She says and does a little jump. "I'll pay."

"No, it's my treat. You had enough trouble for today," I tap her arm. "Okay? No buts." She sighs dramatically but nods. We turn a corner and I see the ice cream shop. We go up to it and smile at her. Kacey bites on her bottom lip while looking at the options. She squints to see them better. My body felt warm. My heart felt full. It felt like only us in the world.

"I'll have a vanilla ice cream with Oreos and a dipped cone please," Kacey says with a small smile, her eyes wrinkling at the corners.

"And you sir?" Asks the server, I was still looking at Kacey. She looks at me, and I snap out of it. I look at the server.

"I'll have the same thing please," I nod. The server nods and rings us up. I pay and smile at Kacey. Kacey leans her shoulder on mine, and whispers a small thank you. The server hands us the ice cream.

"Thank you!" Kacey says and turns, smiling at me as she starts licking the ice cream. I grin and turn starting to walk. "Hey wait-" I hear her run to catch up. "Where are we going?"

"To the park," I say simply and lick the ice cream. "There are super pretty lights."

"Ooooooh okay!" She bumps into me and laughs a bit. I laugh with her and look straight ahead. I didn't understand this feeling. But I think this is what it is like falling in love.

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