Part 20 - All

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Jaehyun's POV:

"We can hangout tomorrow, just text me." Kacey says, I smile a bit. I go to say something, when I hear her groan and gasp for air like she was in pain.

"Whoa, are you okay?" I ask, panicking. I look at Jeno, who was filming. I turn my back to him. I hear her gasp for air again, my heart is beating. "Where are you? I'm coming." I say, hearing something fall. I'm in full blown panic mode now. I turn around to see Jeno staring at me. I force a smile, wave goodbye, and run out. I can't tell him what is going on, he needs to focus on filming. I run outside and look around, then I see her. Kacey is laying on the ground motionless. I bolt up to her, everything seeming to go in slow motion. I shake her. "KACEY!" I scream, she doesn't move. Her lips are turning blue. I scoop her up, grabbing her phone with me. I spin around, not seeing any taxis. I think, then remember a hospital is 5 minutes away. I take a deep breath and start running as fast as I can towards the hospital. "Hold on Kacey, please hold on," I plead, her head tilted back. "Please," I whisper and keep running. Not caring my lungs were burning. I knew she has been having some pain in her stomach, but she always dismissed it. I wish she didn't. I need her, I really need her.

Makayla's POV:

I wonder what's taking Kacey so long. She said Jeno called her, which made Nicole and I share a glance. We both know he likes her. Jaemin can't keep his mouth shut around Nicole, and Nicole told me.

"Do you think she's okay?" Baillie asks us, then turning her head to look out of the window. Kacey went to a spot where we wouldn't be able to see her.

"I'm sure she's fine," I nod my head and stretch. "She is probably just telling Jeno how much fun it was to touch his lips," I tease. Nicole kicks me from under the table. "Ow," I whisper.

"She should come back in soon, our food is gonna be here," Nicole taps her fingers on the table. I nod my head. I look down at me phone and see Xiaojun texted me. I roll my eyes and flip my phone over, so the back of my phone was facing up. I didn't want to talk to him. He's been super distant with me lately, and whenever I bring it up, he gets really mad at me. I look back at Nicole and Baillie, and smile a bit. I don't need to worry about him, or anything right now. I can just relax with my friends.

Nicole's POV:

I watch Makayla flip her phone over and shrug. I look down at my own phone, seeing Jaemin text me. I smile a bit and open it.
From Jaemin:
Hello Nicky, I hope you're having fun with your friends. I love you!
I smile and look up from my phone.

"So Nicky," Makayla starts. "Do you have any big plans with Jaemin soon?"

"Um," I think then nod. "Yeah he wanted to go to a fair that was going to town, he is dead set on winning me a giant stuffed animal," We all laugh and tap my fingers on the table. "Did Kacey get kidnapped or something? Is she dead?" I joke and lean back, trying to see out the window.

"Eh I'm sure she's fine, give her some time, she's chatting with her friend," Baillie says. Makayla and I make eye contact and both grin.

"Right her friend," I smile more and Makayla shoots me a glare. I raise my brows at her and she shakes her head. I make a zipping motion on my lips showing I won't say anything.

"What is up with you two?" Baillie laughs and leans forward. "Does she like Jeno?" Makayla chokes on her water.

"No... well I don't know," I clear my throat. "Maybe he likes her." Makayla kicks me hard and i Gasp. "OW"

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