Part One

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          I had recently fallen into the miserable routine of school, bedroom, school, bedroom, with the occasional outing with my usual two friends. We never got into anything too crazy, just getting stoned and seeing a flick at most. A seemingly content lifestyle for only a high school junior in a small town like Chippewa, but for me it was a living hell.
          I mean It's nothing horrible ofcourse but I guess I always saw myself doing something more. Trust me, I'm well aware that I'm not popular or anything, and I'm fine with that, but it's a little depressing to almost be a senior and to have never been to an actual party. The only major attention I've ever drawn is when I showed up to school not knowing my skirt was tucked into my underwear. I would have wanted to die if I hadn't gotten the number of three different guys the next day. Sadly, that was probably the peak of my high school career.
          It's currently two months before the winter formal dance, which I never understood the point of, barely half the student attend anyway but they still have enough budget for it every year but not enough to restock the tampon dispenser in the girl's bathroom.
          I found myself deep in thought staring out the window at some kids skipping class behind the bleachers, when suddenly my inner monologue was interrupted by a loud bang right next to me.
          "Oh there you are Ms.(L/N), you seemed to be somewhere else for a while. Glad you could finally join us." My head spun around to see my teacher glaring over me as well as the rest of my classmates. "Well? Can you tell us the theme of this book?" he questioned me, it felt more like an interrogation. In the shock of the moment I had completely forgotten to respond.
          "Um," I started, completely oblivious to anything the class had been discussing. I looked down at the book I was supposed to be reading, I was familiar with it, I saw the movie years ago but never understood why it was considered such an iconic piece of work. "Well to be honest I can't find a theme, the plot is too bland for it to possibly have any deeper meaning than what it is." I found myself going on without realizing exactly who I was talking to; Mr. Odis, famously known throughout the school for how generously he handed out unfair detention slips. He looked me dead in the eyes, shock and fury all over his face and I quickly realized my mistake. "Or maybe it's redemption?" I uttered quickly, trying to redeem myself.
          "Wrong!" he exclaimed slamming his hand onto my desk once again. "That's a detention Ms.(L/N)." I scoffed in retort. A quiet chuckle came from the person sitting behind me. I glanced back to see an intimidating looking blonde girl wearing a light blue jacket. She covered her mouth as she stifled another laugh after making eye contact with me. I turned back around and looked back up at Mr. Odis with a pitiful look. By the angry look that remained on his face I knew there was no getting out of this and accepted my fate.
          The rest of the day went by slowly, uneventful as always, and I finally made it to detention... whoop. Upon walking in the first thing I noticed was the girl who laughed at me in English. She was picking at her nails when I walked in. I had spent the entire year so far sitting in front of this girl and didn't even know her name. I sat down in the back only two desks away from her. I glanced over to see she had already noticed my presence and was leaning towards me. "Odis totally had a vein popping out of his forehead this morning. He's like obsessed with that book he like totally sounds like he's about to cream his pants anytime he reads it to the class." She whispered  to me holding back laughter. It made me giggle, her description was spot on. "I'm Kim."
          "(Y/N)." I introduced myself. Kim looked me up and down, I couldn't help but wonder what a girl like her thought of me at first glance.
          "Hey, wanna ditch?" She smirked. I looked up at the teacher monitoring us then back at Kim.
          "What about him?" I asked her, motioning my head toward the front of the room.
          "Oh don't worry about him, he mixes pain killers into his coffee when no ones looking. I'd say he's got about two more minutes of consciousness left." Believe it or not she was right. The man looked like death, his head rocking back and forth trying to stay awake, his eyes barely open. And as she had predicted he was asleep within minutes. She grabbed me by the arm and we snuck out of the room. Kim looked to the only other student there, "Say a word and I'll kick your ass." We both laughed quietly and ran out of the school. "C'mon I'll take you to meet my friends we're all going to play basketball." I obliged and we got into her beat up car.
          We arrived at the basketball court and Kim immediately ran up to Daniel Dessario, a well known 'burn out' with a sort of rugged greaser look to him and hugged him. "(Y/N), this is my boyfriend Daniel, this is Ken," she motioned to a heavier set guy with curly hair and prominent side burns who didn't really seem to care, "and," she was about to introduce the other guy but he interrupted her.
          "Hey, I'm Nick." He said smiling and gave a small wave. His hair was messy and he looked stoned. He grabbed my attention more than the other two. I'll admit it was mainly because he was tall,  really tall.

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