Part Six

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          Nick walked me to every one of my classes that Monday. He was always there without me even having to ask. I've never had that before. I walked out onto the patio to see Ken sprawled out on top of one of the picnic tables and Kim and Daniel huddled up together on the bench next to him. Nick was pretend playing drums on Ken's head while Ken shooed him off.
          Nick stood and greeted me as I approached them. We sat together on the other side of Ken, opposite of Daniel and Kim. He  yawned and rested his head on my shoulder, a hand creeping onto my leg. "Get a room!" Ken groaned peering down at my lap. Everyone laughed and Nick punched him in the arm. Nick glanced at his watch and gasped. "Man I forgot I gotta be home early to help dad with something." He sighed and looked at me then leaned in to whisper something. "Hey uhh, can I call you tonight?"
          "I didn't just give you my number to look at." I joked.
          "Ha! Okay I'll talk to you later." He squeezed my leg and ran off.
          That night me and my mom sat talking on and on about random stuff after dinner when suddenly our conversation was interrupted by the phone ringing. My mom got up to answer it. "Hello? Yes this is Ms. (L/N)." She looked over at me. "(Y/N) it's for you!" She said excited, having a pretty good idea of who it was, I did too.
          "I'm gonna take it in my room if that's alright" she shooed me off smiling. "Goodnight mom!" I ran into my room and closed the door, picking up the phone. "Hello?"
          "Oh, hey (Y/N)!" I could imagine him smiling as he talked. "Sorry if I'm calling too late, that thing with my dad took longer than expected."
          "No, now's completely fine." I assured him.
          We talked for almost two hours about pointless stuff, like music, parents, and school, but it only felt like thirty minutes to me. "Woah it's late. I'm surprised I'm not even tired."
          "Yeah, me neither. I feel so energized like I could go for a run, in fact I might." He laughed. "Actually, I think I will."
          "Now? It's the middle of the night." I laughed.
          "Exactly it's the best time for a run, the air's cold so I won't sweat, and there's nobody on the road." He paused and thought for a long moment. "Do you think I could come by your house? I'm having a really fun time talking to you and don't want it to end yet."
          I put my ear against the door and could hear my mom snoring from her room. "Yeah, I think that'll be okay. Just knock on my window and I'll come out and meet you."
          "Alright, I'll see you in twenty." He said before hanging up. I put the phone down and laid back on my bed. I quickly got back up once I realized that I wasn't put together at all, I looked a mess. I threw on a sweater, some shorts, and just a little makeup. Yeah I know it's dark outside but I still wanted to look somewhat presentable just in case.
          I waited around bouncing my leg impatiently, when I finally heard a light knock on my window. I opened the curtain and mouthed for him to wait there for me. I crept out of the house and slowly shut the door as to not make any noise. I waited a moment to make sure the coast was clear, then walked over to the side of  the house where Nick was waiting for me. I ran up and hugged him quickly before dragging him into my back yard. "C'mon, up here!" I whispered to him pointing up to a poorly built treehouse covered in dead leaves. "My uncle built me this when I was little, I barely ever use it but now's a good excuse to I think." I climbed up first and Nick followed closely behind me. We sat, continuing or conversation from earlier until there was a long moment of silence. Nick was the first to break the ice.
          "You remember when you stood up on the swings last Saturday, and we were just looking at each other?" He looked away slightly.
          "Yeah that's one part of that day I do remember clearly." I laughed.
          "Well," he paused and looked down, "I really wanted to kiss you." He was fiddling with the strings on his hoodie. "I really did, but I thought you were too high, and I didn't think it would have been the best situation for a first kiss." My face grew hot. I kind of wanted to in that moment too, but I thought I should wait for him to make the first move
          "Well I'm not high now." I said smiling. He looked back up at me and held eye contact as he moved over to sit beside me. My heart was pounding. He slowly leaned in and I followed, until there was contact. After a moment he put his hands on either side of my face and pulled me closer. I put my hand on his chest and we stayed like that for a while. When we broke away, we just looked at each other and smiled, laughing a bit, still holding onto each other.
          Nick pulled a freshly rolled joint out of his pocket.. ofcourse, smiled and offered it me. I took it obviously. He handed me his lighter and I sparked it. We passed it back and forth for a few minutes while we talked. Our position had changed to him sitting up against the wall and me laying down with my head on his lap. We sat and laugh and he quietly sang me a song. His bad singing made me laugh but it was still really sweet. This went on for a bit until I let out a big yawn. "Maybe i should get going. You should go to bed anyway, you look tired."
          "Aww!" I groaned. "I don't want you to leave," I yawned again, "but I guess you're right, I'm like on the verge." I sat up. Nick stood and grabbed my hand, lifting me to my feet. He helped me back down the ladder and walked me to my front lawn. Before he had the chance to walk away I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him into another, deeper kiss. His hands found their way around my waist and pulled me closer to him. We released and said our goodbyes. I hated to watch him leave but he was right, I was very tired.
          I snuck back into the house, grabbed a glass of water for my cotton mouth, and dove into bed. I dreamt about Nick.

Hey Thammi :p

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