Part Four

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          I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed and confident. I put on my best outfit and walked out the door where Kim was waiting to drive me to school. "So, (Y/N)," she gave me a look, "what do you think of Nick?" Her question surprised me.
          "Um, what do you mean?" I stuttered.
          "Well you guys seem to have gotten pretty close pretty fast, and he was talking about you non stop during band practice last night." She laughed.
          "I mean, I guess we have. He's a fun guy to be around, plus he is kind of cute." I lied, he was very cute. I had been developing a bit of a crush on him but I felt like it was too soon to admit. 
          We arrived at school and I spent all day waiting to run into Nick. I walked out of first period and saw him standing at the end of the hallway. "Hey!" I waved at him, but when he saw me he turned and walked away, looking almost scared of me. Later that day I walked up to Kim, Daniel, Ken and him who were all talking on the patio but as soon as I walked up Nick said he had to be somewhere and ran away. Kim and I looked at each other and shrugged. I pretended it didn't bother me but it hurt a bit.  He wasn't even in fourth period. What could I have done for him to spend the entire day avoiding me?
          I ended the day with all of my confidence from this morning down the drain. I thought me and him had fun together, maybe even thought that he liked me. Maybe not.
         I laid in bed that night listening to my records and looking through a magazine, unable to fall asleep. I looked at my clock and saw it was already midnight.  Knowing I had a test tomorrow, I turned off my lights and music and laid down in bed to try and fall asleep. It didn't work ofcourse. I jumped up at the sound of knocking on my window. Thinking It was just a tree branch or maybe even my imagination, I ignored it. It came again, this time for longer and a bit louder. I grabbed my pocket knife from my bedside table that I kept in case of emergencies, and krept towards the window. I grabbed the edge of the curtain, took a deep breath, and pulled it to the side to reveal...Nick?
          Shocked, I opened the window. "What the hell are you doing here?" I questioned him.
          "I just wanted to say I'm sorry for avoiding you all day, you didn't do anything wrong." He looked down a little ashamed. "The thing is, I wanted to ask you something all day, but every time I saw you I just got too nervous." He laughed and rubbed the back of his neck. He paused for a moment. I was going to say something but he beat me to it. "(Y/N), would you maybe like, wanna go on a date with me?" He looked up at me. I was at a loss for words. "I mean you don't have to! I'm sorry if this is all too soon I shouldn't have asked." He went to walk away.
          "Wait!" I called out. He stopped and turned around to face me. "I'd love to." I gave him a warm smile and I could see his face light up.
          "Really? That's awesome!" I could heart he excitement in his voice. "I wanna take you to the Laser Dome this Saturday! If that's alright with you."
          "That sounds fun, I can't wait."
          "Is it alright if it's like a double date? With Kim and Daniel? She's kind of my only ride." He asked a little embarrassed.
          "Yeah that's totally fine!" I assured him. I reached out and grabbed him by the shoulders, leaned out of my window and lightly kissed him on the cheek. When I pulled away his eyes were wide and his face was red. "I'll see you tomorrow, Nick. Now get outta here before my mom wakes up!" I shooed him off. He gave me a big smile before jogging off into the night. I closed my window and let out a quiet squeal.
          I fell back onto my bed, my heart racing. I finally felt content enough to get some sleep, wanting tomorrow to come as quickly as possible.

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