29. Dinners

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"Fifteen...years..." Remus muttered from beside Harry before realization dawned on him. "Nico Michele?"

"That's me," Nico said, their accent distinctly american. "Currently they/them at the moment if you were wondering, Remus."

"Oh my Merlin, Nico Michele? The american slytherin? Uncle was the Muggle Studies Professor?" Molly asked.

"Yep. I realize I changed a lot in fifteen years but I didn't think I'm that unrecognizable. I'm 35! I don't look that different either since I'm an elf now. Raelyn, do I look any different?" Nico whined.

"Not a day over 19, Neeks."

"Thought so."

Narcissa's eyes misted before she threw her arms around the admittedly much smaller redhead.

"We thought you died," mumbled Narcissa.

"I got two unplanned kids, didn't exactly mean to drop off the face of the earth. Sorry about that."

Narcissa pulled away with a glare.

"That's all you have to say for yourself? 'Sorry about that?'"

"Um, yes? There isn't a good way to say apologies in english."

"Yeah, there is a good way to apologize in a situation like this in elvish," Killian commented.

"That's an oddly specific thing for being sorry about," Harry said.

"Happens surprisingly often when other species become elves," Killian shrugged.

"That's not helping, Killian," Nico muttered.


Nico exhaled.

"Besides, who even told you I was dead to begin with? I mean, sure I dropped off the face of the earth but I could've been off in America. It's not that much of a stretch, we do spend our summers there with my family."

Remus, Narcissa, Lucius, Molly, Arthur, and even surprisingly Severus looked a bit guilty with the sudden realization of exactly who told them this.

"It was Dumbledore, wasn't it?" Nico said, watching their faces change.

"He said you were ambushed by Death Eater stranglers, not even a toe left behind to bury," Severus said, voice as monotone as ever.

"I suppose that can't exactly be helped. He does have a way of making himself trustworthy," Nico grumbled.

"Sooooo," Killian butted in. His arm was wrapped tightly around Fred's waist and he had made his way to Harry to lean on him slightly. "Why don't we head in rather than discuss this all on the front lawn on a cold winter evening."

Lexsaidh took notice of Harry now that Killian was leaning on him. As they started to go in, she made her way to Harry.

"Oh, he looks like you when you were 12, Killian! Right before you grew your hair out again," Lexsaidh remarked with a grin. Killian laughed on the opposite side of Harry.

"Yeah, she's right," Lydia said, flying right above the little group. "It's great to finally meet you, Harry. We've been searching for you since that night. We're glad to see you safe."

The smile Lydia offered made Harry feel warm inside, reminiscent of Mrs. Weasley's. It was the smile of a mother. It wasn't quite like the feeling with the Weasley's though. They felt only slightly more distant than his relationship with Killian. He supposed it was because he was among fellow fae. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Remus talking with Raelyn.

"Lydia said you've been searching. Is it because James was an elf?" Remus said under his breath to Raelyn.

"Partially. Did Dumbledore play hide and seek with your memories, Remus? Did you forget James and Lily had a second son?"

Remus nearly choked. Yes, that sounded familiar. The more he thought about it, the more obvious the memory tampering became.

"Wait- so is Killian?"

Raelyn gave the werewolf a nod. She pitied him. She wasn't necessarily close with him. But Remus was a friend of both James and Nico. The fact that Dumbledore had gone to such lengths to keep everyone separate made her sick to her stomach.

"We only managed to find Harry because he came into his inheritance recently," Raelyn said.

A little ways away, Narcissa clung to Nico. Draco was dragged over to the two by Lucius.

"I suppose it would be good for you to meet Draco," Lucius said. "Afterall, you were close to Cissa's mate."

"What does Killian's parent have to do with mine?" Draco asked. Nico probably could've fainted by how lightheaded they suddenly felt. But they kept themself steady.

"Nico was Rem's best friend," Narcissa said quietly. "Nico, this is mine and Rem's son Draco. As you can tell, he developed Rem's ability."

"Killian told me you're mated to Harry, right?" Nico said. Draco nodded. He looked a bit owlishly at Nico, wanting to drain the elf of every bit of information on Rem as he could. "Rem and James were good friends. I suppose it's fitting their sons would be mates. Keep Harry safe, okay?"

"Of course," Draco said. "Could you tell me about them? Rem, I mean."

Nico smiled softly at the kid. Looking like Lucius or not, this kid was Rem's. There was no doubt about it. "I'd love to, kiddo."

The group reached the dining room and Harry took the head of the table. Killian sat to his right hand and Draco sat to his left. The Malfoys, Severus and Nico sat on the same side as Draco, Nico right next to the current blond to regale stories of Rem and their mischief. Tonks found herself squeezing in next to Nico, having recognized the elf from pictures and vague childhood memories with the fiery redhead. She, too, listened adamantly to the stories. The Weasleys, Fleur, Remus, Val, and the rest Killian's foster family sat by Killian. It was uneven, but Charlie wanted to stay by Val and Lexsaidh and Remus wanted to converse further with Raelyn and Lydia.

The meal was served but the closer it got to the planned reveal, the less Harry could stomach the food. Killian and Draco held his hands under the table and the twins, Ron and Hermione shot comforting looks over roast turkey and mashed potatoes.

"Excuse me," Harry said, bringing the attention of the table to himself. "Today, I wished to ally myself with you all. The Malfoys as I am mated to Draco and the Weasleys as they are one of the closest things I've had to family for many years of my life. And by allying myself with you, it is only fair that I am completely open with you.

"Fifteen years ago, on Halloween, my parents were killed, as we all know. But, unknown to me for a great part of my childhood, Dumbledore had hidden me away from the rest of my living family and placed me with my abusive aunt and uncle so he could play hero. So I could be his pawn. As some of you may have realized tonight, he's been lying about a lot of things. Nico had not died. In fact, for a good part of those fifteen years, they've been helping my family look for me. He also sent Sirius to Azkaban despite knowing the truth of who actually betrayed Lily and James Potter that night, and altered the memories of Remus.

"At the time of my parents death, some of you may recall I had an older brother," Harry said.

"We were told he died along with your parents that night," Arthur said.

Killian let out a dark chuckle. "Of course that walking bag of lies did."

"My brother was actually with Nico and their mates at the time of my parents' death. He was going trick or treating with Nico's family in America  when Voldemort struck my parents down. Elves have a faster maturation rate so my two year old older brother seemed much older than he was." Harry ignored the gasps of people beginning to connect the dots and continued. "Dumbledore hid me away from my brother and my grandparents successfully until this year when I came into my inheritance  and the magic stopped working on me."

The glamour faded away with a shine as he spoke of coming into his inheritance.

"This year, Killian finally tracked me down with the help of his foster family and our grandparents and helped me adjust to my elven traits. Including, for those it concerns, the reciprocation of Draco's mate bond."

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