25. Flashbacks

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Fourth year Hogwarts student Nico Michele had had the misfortune of being placed in the Slytherin house in the time that Voldemort was recruiting in the first war. They, of course, did not agree in the slightest to Voldemort's views, being a Half-blood themself, but that didn't stop them being looked down upon. At eleven, Nico found an enemy in thirteen year old Peter Pettigrew and that never left. Peter had been quick to target Nico for a reason unknown to them. Now at fourteen, Nico found themself sitting in their uncle's office during a Hogwarts family event. Nico was from America so their family was unfortunately unable to make it. Though Nico didn't mind as they had their uncle there.

"I think you'll like them, Rem," Narcissa was heard from down the hall, laughter in her voice. She was one of the few fellow Slytherins Nico got along with, even if she had graduated a little while ago.

"How so?" An unfamiliar voice asked.

"They're genderfluid, like you."

'Ah, they are talking about me,' Nico thought.

"And why are we going to the Muggle Studies Professor's office?"

"Nico is their...niece/nephew? Is there a word for it? Anyway," Narcissa knocked. "Nico? I want you to meet someone!"

Nico shared a look with their uncle, who motioned to the door with his eyes before returning to the papers he was grading. They removed their feet from his desk and walked to the door, opening it and slipping out as to not disturb their uncle.

"How can I help you, Narcissa?" They asked.

"Remember how I told you I found my mate?" Nico nodded, knowing all about their friend's Veela nature. Narcissa took that as a sign to continue. "This is them. Their name is Rem."

"Nice to meet you," Rem grinned, extending their hand.

Nico looked them up and down. Cyan hair was in a neat bun with hair loose around their face and warm brown eyes met Nico's own grey. They were tall, but then again standing at only 5'3 unfortunately made everyone seem that way. They took the offered hand.

"You too."

"You're American? How come you're at Hogwarts?" Rem asked.

"My uncle is the Muggle Studies Professor and got me in here."

"Oh, that's so cool. I really wanted to come here with my brother but unfortunately I can only morph my body, not perform any real magic," Rem laughed. Nico's head quirked to the side in curiosity.

"Really? I would kill for that ability."

Narcissa smiled as the two continued talking, Nico getting obviously more comfortable around her mate.

"Should we perhaps move to somewhere more comfortable? We can grab some food from the house elves and head to the Quidditch pitch," Narcissa offered. Her genderfluid companions nodded. She took Rem's hand and Nico stood on the opposite side. They exchanged more stories as Narcissa looked on happily.

"Cissa?" Rem said.

"Hmm?" Narcissa said, surprised the conversation had halted.

"The word you were looking for earlier is Nibling," said Rem. Narcissa grinned and Rem and Nico returned to conversation.

It didn't take long to reach the kitchens. Nico was talking animatedly about this bow they have had their eye on for a while. Narcissa had heard their tangents before. It was imbued with magic so the arrow would do trickshots with just a command or imbue the arrow with a curse towards it's target. People had been known to attempt love spells and essentially be Cupid with them, but more often than not it would go terribly.

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