11. Decisions

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Harry sat in silence as he pondered his options.

"Take your time. Return to me after dinner with your decision. In the meantime," he wrote on a piece of paper, "let your professor know I was the one who was keeping you. Now off to class. And don't forget the glamour. Don't need the headmaster butting in."

"Yes sir," Harry said. He took the slip of paper and glamoured himself up. He slipped out the door. Classes went on as usual and Harry was careful to act suspicious of his older brother. He acted civil with Draco, who did the same in return. Though he was too caught up in thought about the male he found himself getting a bit flustered around the other male. He chalked it down to the fact that the male was his mate and now they might have to live together. Who wouldn't get the slightest bit awkward while they were still figuring things out.

The only remotely eventful thing about classes was the fact that Professor Binns happened to cover the Wizards history with Elves and the Golden Trio were riveted.

But when it came to Snape's question, Harry found himself unable to answer. So right before dinner, Harry snuck to Killian and got him to meet him in the Room of Requirement.

"What's up, Harry?" Killian asked as he got comfortable on the couch.

"Well, Snape gave me an option today, that is what he called me to his office for. He wanted to know if I wanted to have a secret dorm with Draco for the mate thing or combat it with potions for a slower going connection. I have till after dinner to make a decision."

"Hmm, personally, I think it would be best for you to go ahead with the dorms. Draco is a veela right? It would be better for him not to have to suppress it. And chances are, you're feeling mate pulls too. Its 1 in a million that an elf will have a completely different mate than the one who is already mated to them. Are you feeling a slight pull in your chest?"

Harry nodded.

"That's your mate pull. It will get stronger until you eventually get close enough to where you are kissing and then the pull will begin to lessen. If you were a human, the veela pull would be mainly onesided. It's like a dog. A crude way of explaining it but it still works. A dog can absolutely love you and follow you around and you just tolerate it. That's the beginning of many veela pulls as the pull is only felt on the veela's side. Their mate is to learn to love them or to reject them. With elves, it's different. Our mate pull goes both ways. It's how Fred found me. It starts off very subtle at first and gradually increases on both sides. In the rare case an elf is rejected, the tie is completely severed and an elf will be mated with another naturally. It is a very rare case though as mates are chosen to compliment you in all aspects, to make you the best you can be. So the idea you would be rejected is practically non-existent."

"So you think I should do the dorms?"

"Absolutely, for your own comfort. Of course set boundaries and all that. Merlin knows I would like that option myself with Fred and George. Suppressing the pulls is difficult business," Killian said. Harry thought about it for a while, nodding.

"I understand."

"It is up to you, though. Fred was kind enough to fill me in on your past with the Draco boy. If you'd prefer to keep your distance I'm sure everyone would be understanding."

"No no," Harry began, "I think I'll go through with it. Thank you, Killian."

The older stood up, kissing the top of Harry's head.

"Of course, now come on. Dinner is going to be served in a couple minutes. George said he talked to the house elves and there was going to be pie tonight!"

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