Prelude :: We Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Program

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The territory of Fort Penshaw quiets as their screens focus on a round-face woman with a sharp nose. She throws her stylized, flame-colored hair over her porcelain shoulder and smiles at the camera. 

"Good morning, American Territories! My name is Clover Hanning, it is eight am this beautiful Sunday morning and it is that time of year again! Forty-three years ago today, the world was consumed by a virus that infected and killed hundreds of millions of people all over the world. We were forced to stay away from our friends and our families. We lost our jobs and our homes. The virus infected, not only us but the animals. Contaminating the very core of our human needs. Our government failed to do what it should have, protect us." 

She looks away from the screen, making a dramatic attempt at sadness. 

"So when the lack of resources was announced most would have expected us to riot and turn on one another. While some did, most of us agreed to do our part to start a new world where our children could live long, healthy lives. Where power is spread to those who care about the people who made America the great country it used to be and can do that again." 

The corners of her pink lips turn into a small smile as she continues on. 

"That's when the 'Healthy Human' project began partnering with our US Council to create a better way. We have Nea Ademola, one of the six founders of the 'Healthy Human' project here with us today with more information. Nea?"

The screen splits and a sophisticated, well-poised woman with dark skin appears on the other end. She smiles big at the camera greeting the gingerly anchorwoman. 

"Thank you so much for being here with us! Can you tell us a bit about the foundation?"

"Of course, Clover! Thank you for having me! Restedpalm Lake is our way to give back. We all are feeling the lack of food, water, and medication. On the day of the red sky, our constitution crumbled and we were left in darkness for over a year. While the US Council is doing its best to pick up those very tricky pieces, we wanted to give back ourselves. We started this yearly lottery ten years ago, giving one-hundred citizens, between fifteen and sixty-five years old, a chance at a new life in Restedpalm Lake. We provide a vaccine, schooling, housing, and a place of employment."

"This sounds great for those in each community that may have it harder than others. I know I shouldn't ask but," Clover leans forward, continuing her very animated performance, "before the sickness in 2019, we had lotteries worth money rather than a new life. About much money does your foundation put into giving away these new lives?"

Nea smiles, shrugging off something she finds irritating. "The number changes each year depending on the contestants. We invest enough to make sure all winners are well taken care of in their new life."

Clover nods dramatically. "Well thank you so much for being here today. My producer is telling me that you have a meeting with the council you have to be off to."

Nea nods graciously. "Thank you so much for having me, Clover. Stay healthy."

"Thank you, Nea." Clover turns to camera three as Nea's screen is removed. "We are only days away from the deadline for the lottery. Be sure to buy your tickets before the end of the day Tuesday, January 2nd, 2063. That's just three days to get your tickets folks! The day of the drawing, as always, will take place Friday, so get your party hats on!" Clover turns to the second camera and smiles big. "Now, Juan with the weather!"

--- Thank you so much for reading! Don't forget to comment and vote! All notes are welcome ---

Word Count :: 629 of 2000 

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