Rich Kids

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Truth or Dare

Chapter 1

Rich Kids 

__Jessie Pov__

It was bigger than I expected, the campus. In all the pictures the brick walls seemed smaller, maybe due to the distance at which the picture was taken. 

I sighed my hands shaking slightly due to nerves. I felt warm soft skin enveloping the wavering limb steadying it. 

My gaze shifted to her, her soft golden hair swaying in the wind perfectly. Her vibrant blue eyes shining a little in the sun shine creating almost a crystal effect. Her glossed lips smiled at me encouragingly. 

"You got this." She stated as if it was a fact, a prophetic fact that she conjured up like a witch. When in reality it feels as if what she has said to me could not be farther from the truth. 

I do not have this. 

I sighed and returned my gaze to the giant door that is a lot more sturdy than my legs right now. 

"I don't know about that, Mia." I whispered as if the entire school could hear me even though I'm pretty sure that no sound could penetrate that door. 

"You might not know, but I do. You have more talent in your pinkie toe than any of these rich kids have in their whole body combined." She yelled letting go of my hand, putting me in danger of falling. She waves her arms to make a big gesture to the building in front of us. Her limbs spread out to make her look like she was imitating a bird. After a few dramatic seconds her hands find their way to her hips like she's a super hero. "Now let's kick some rich kid ass." 

Before I could protest she had already swung open the door revealing a large luxurious foyer. She strode in before me, however I was frozen to my original spot. My once again lonely hands fiddling with the hem of my skirt. 

Mia kept making dramatic gestures as her way of trying to get me to budge. But I couldn't, my legs refused to move. 

"Ah you must be our new students." An older lady in her late 50s approached us. Her black stilettos clicking against the marble floor, in a steady tempo. Her white blouse was tucked into her knee length pencil skirt. Her long grey hair pulled back into a high pony tail and her black rimmed glasses perched on her nose. "Welcome to Cantare Academy for the musically gifted."

I couldn't hold back my smile any longer as my mind processed her words. 

I'm here. 

"I'm Mia Turner, this is-"

"Jessie Rivara." She finished with a smile. Then she walked over to me and stopped a few inches in front of my feet, holding her hand out in front of her. "I've read your file, very impressive." 

I nodded in thanks and timidly shook her hand, no words could describe the admiration in my heart right now.

"I'm the Dean of the school, Mrs. Fisher." 

After letting go of my hand she handed us both cards. 

"These cards are your student cards, do not lose them." She waved a finger at us, her chin tilted downwards so her eyes looked up to just look at us, her mouth open slightly. She then shut her mouth and intertwined her fingers and laid her hands gracefully in front of her before continuing. "They have picture ID on it as well as your room number. It is also your key to your room. And lastly it is your meal card, our school cafe does not except any other form of payment. You can go to the secretary to put more money on your card if you'd like. Except for you Jessie since you are a scholarship student there is an unlimited balance on your card. However that is the only thing the money on your card is good for, food. " 

She went on to explain the rules and regulations. Like you're only allowed to leave campus on the weekends. Or no drinking, no smoking, no drugs, no bullying, attendance is mandatory, tardiness is inexcusable and we must wear our uniforms during school hours. So nothing really new just all the rules any normal school would have. 

Just as she finished listing off the rules the bell sounded and students started filling the halls. A sea of black and white uniforms flooding the entrance, buzzing in all directions. 

"Any questions?" She asked smiling, thus ending her lecture as we both silently shook our heads. "Alrighty then. I'll leave you two to finding your rooms and unpacking. Since you both arrived today we don't expect you to be in class for now. Take the time to get to know the school and your classmates. But first thing tomorrow you are to be in your seats ready to learn. You'll find your timetable in your room." 

She smiled again one last time before waving then spinning on her heel to dissappear into the crowd. 

Mia and I looked at each other. I knew that look on her face, she was as scared as I was.

How are we going to fit in with all these rich kids?

End Of Chapter 1

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