Chapter 3

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The day after went by quickly, the girls visited the city a little, staying far enough from the school trip group and quickly the night was here. The group was going to town for another restaurant but Julie and Sara stayed at the hotel, they had something more important to do. Sara had settled her laptop on the bed along with some tools and new high tech gear she had recently created. Julie got out of the bathroom drying her hair with a towel. She looked at her black haired friend that was typing on her keyboard.

"Did you tell him?" Sara couldn't see it but Julie was leaning in the doorframe of the bathroom, her arms crossed over her chest. Sara knew what her friend was talking about, that's why they were here after all.

"Of course not, he's enjoying his trip so far so we should let him have a little fun first. He'll know soon enough, Fury is on his ass." Sara answered her eyes glued to the screen

"Want me to tell you something?" Julie didn't wait for Sara's reaction to answer "I don't know who that Mister Beck, or whatever his name is, is or where he is from, but I don't like him. I feel like he's hiding something." Julie stated as she came to sit the same way Sara was sitting but on the other side of the bed, so she could have a look on the computer too.

" I know, me neither, that's what the update's for." Sara smirked as she finally looked up from her laptop "let's go get the suit." Julie and Sara both jumped from the bed, exiting the room to go to the floor under theirs. They knew what bedroom Ned and Peter were in so they quickly went in and started to look for the suit. It didn't take long for them to find it, Peter wasn't really good at hiding things. They got back to their room and Sara immediately went back to work. She had to do it before Peter, or at least Ned, came back. Sara connected the suit to her laptop and started to work on the update while Julie was walking around the room, watching the city out the window. The suit was turned on and Sara had finally access to the AI

"Hello Karen." She said to the Intelligence

"Good evening Miss Stark. How are you ?" Karen asked. Tony had always made sure that his AI were caring and a watchful eye but with Karen he did it even more caring for Peter's suit.

"Meh, i've been better." Sara said not really elaborating on her feelings "Karen i have a new update for you, i have also created ten new combinations for the web shooters and i have to higher up your security system, Peter hacked it once, we don't want him to do it again, do we? Anyway do you mind me upgrading you?"

Sara asked, she was always respectful to the AI's Tony created, in the end they were part of the family

"No problem Miss Stark go ahead." Sara then started the upgrade starting with the update of Karen. While she was doing this she didn't notice Julie looking around the room, especially at Sara's stuff as something caught her eyes. She found a box that Sara badly hid. Julie knew the box,Sara talked to her about it. Actually Julie was the only one who knew about the box and what was in it, but Sara didn't like to talk about it because she just didn't want to open it.

"You took it?" Julie asked, turning around to look at her friend who was concentrating on the suit.

"Huh?" Sara didn't look up at first.

"You took it with you? Here?" Julie tried to get the words she was dying to hear since the whole Thanos thing out of her best friend's mouth. Sara finally looked up, her eyes landing straight on the box. Her face fell and she went back to working on the suit

"I'm not going anywhere without it, but i'm not gonna use it."

"Why not? If he gave it to you, if he made it for you it's because he wanted you to use it, he wanted you to keep the world a safe place the way he did all those years, he knew that if he disappeared the word had a chance to stay safe with you." Julie tried her best to change her friend's mind, she has been trying since she's known about the box but Sara was stubborn. Tony used to say that Stubborn was her middle name and sometimes he would call her triple S.

"But I'm not Iron Man Julie, I'm not him and I could never replace him, and I don't even want to replace him. I'm not strong enough. There was only one Iron Man, only one Tony Stark, there never will be another."

"Sara can't you see that the point isn't about replacing him, it's about legacy. Of course you can't replace him and when he did this suit for you he wasn't expecting you to do so, he just expected you to take up on things where he left them, he's counting on you to keep doing what he started to do, we all do and no one ever asked you to replace him, you can't let us, let him down. It's not because you use the suit that it means you're taking his place, it just means that it's a chance for you to do what he wanted you to do knowing you were ready for it, and you'd make him proud. And i never want to hear you say that you're not strong enough because you are, and you're worthy of wearing that suit." Julie knew that it'd be hard to convince her friend because she knew that Sara was thinking of all the people that'd think she was just trying to replace her father. But she also knew that her father wouldn't want her to listen to them or even think about them and just do what she's good at, what he always does during his life and what he knew Sara would do because it was in her veins: protecting the world but mostly protecting the one she loves.

"I can't use it Julie. I'm not Iron Man, I can't use this suit. End of the conversation." Sara didn't look up at her friends because she didn't want her to see the tears in her eyes. Julie knew she'd need back up to make her change her mind, she knew it was going to take time but she also knew that if one of the people she cared most about was in danger something would click in her head and maybe she would finally put on the suit. And with them being around Peter and Fury being on his ass, Julie knew that it was probably a matter of time before something happened, she just hoped that her friend would change her mind before it's too late. A silence fell between the two friends, the only sound in the room being the one from Sara's laptop and the latter sniffing. After a few minutes Julie had an idea and took out her phone.

"Who are you texting?" Sara tried to break the silence as she quickly dried the few tears that had fallen down her cheeks.

"Hmm, Andrew." Julie smirked, as she quickly looked up at Sara before glaring back at her phone. Sara had a doubt about that though. The way Julie answered told her it probably wasn't the truth, but it wasn't her business so she dropped it. "Also isn't it tonight that Peter was going on a date with MJ?" Julie asked out of nowhere which made Sara sighed.

"Yeah it is, thank you for the reminder."

"I still don't understand why you broke up with him. The boy was in love with you, and I bet he still is, and you just pushed him in another girl's arms. But you can't help but still do everything to protect him and i know you still love him, so why do this?" Julie insisted to understand what went through her friend's mind because she couldn't get the break up.

"We already had this conversation Juls. He deserves better. He already has a lot of problem, he lost three people he saw as a father figure and it feel like he's been mourning for years, he needs someone that will bring happiness in his life, not more problems, mourning and all those stuff and i bet MJ will help changing his mind and have half of his life being normal.But i still have to protect him because my dad wouldn't want me to let him down."

"That's still not a good reason to me, you made him happy, and together you would've helped each other, comforted each other after your dad died, but in the end it's more like you let him down after all, and in the worst moment. He cared about you and he didn't want you to leave him but you did, that's why i don't understand why you did that. And to be completely honest, and i know it's gonna be harsh but i don't care, we all think that the decision was the most stupid you've ever made, even Sam told me, and i quote, "i thought she was the real genius between her and Tony but looks like i was wrong". Julie felt her blood boil because the way and the reason why Sara ended things with Peter angered her because they were happy together, they completed each other, and they were really on the same level, they were made for each other, and Julie was sure they'd be the next one to get married, after her and Andrew of course. And it was Julie's second mission: making Sara and Peter get back together because she knew this situation wasn't right. Julie wanted Sara to get back on track and do what she was supposed to do, take the suit her dad made her and finally get back with Peter.

Sara didn't answer, she didn't want to have that fight with her friend again. She just went back on upgrading the suit and the silence fell once again in the room. 

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