Chapter 2

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When they arrived at the hotel, the teacher led her student to two different floors, one for the boys and one for the girls. However Tony had booked a suite on another floor for Julie and Sara. It wasn't a luxurious hotel though. Far away from what Tony had the habits to book. But it was typical from Venice, a place where you could feel the history of the city. It was placed in one of those typical Venice alleyways which gave all its charm to the hotel. The old lady at the entrance led the two friends up to their room, while the teacher led the group of students to their floor. Sara and Julie walked inside the room, once the lady opened the door. She ended the key to Julie before leaving the two friends to discover their room. It was classical, not too much fancy stuff, old furniture, but the room was big enough, a king sized bed in the middle, a wooden closet, a tv against the fall facing the bed, smaller than what the girls were used to at the compound but they wouldn't complain because they weren't here to watch tv anyway. They had a private bathroom, simple with a toilet, a shower, a sink and a cabinet to put their stuff, but it was enough for them. Two towels were sitting on each side of the bed with a small soap for each of them.

The two friends took a deep breath, taking in the scent of the old building surrounding them, before heading straight for the bed and they let themselves fall on it. Their luggages had arrived earlier along with those of the group. They had to unpack, but they were too lazy at the moment to do anything. Jet lag is a bitch.

Sara was the first one to stand and decided to go take a shower to get rid of the smell of the airplane, yeah Tony didn't let her take the private jet, and try to relax a little before dinner. The group was supposed to eat in a restaurant tonight, and since Tony ordered it, the girls had to tag along to keep an eye on Peter as it was planned. She took the two towels on her side of the bed and headed to the bathroom, leaving Julie laying on the bed, eyes closed. Once inside, Sara closed and locked the door behind her before getting rid of her dirty clothes. She stepped inside the shower and turned on the water. She squealed as the cold water hit her skin first, sending chills down her spine. Once the water was finally hot enough, she stepped under it, letting her feel all the muscles in her body until she was finally able to relax. She put her head under the water, damping her hair. She closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling of the hot water on her body, tiredness suddenly inviding all her senses, she let out a content sigh. She stayed like that for a few minutes until she started to feel even more tired to the point that she thought she'd fall asleep standing in the shower. She opened her eyes and started to work on getting the dirt from the day off. She used her own soap, vanilla invading her nostrils as she opened the bottle. She had tried this new soap a while ago and she remembered how Peter noticed it and liked it. He thought she smelt good and enjoyed putting his head in the crook of her neck just to appreciate her scent "Some vanilla is what I need in the brutal world we live in" he used to tell her every time he kissed her neck. She never changed her soap ever since. When she felt the tears coming to her eyes, she brushed the memory off. That was the past, things have changed now, she thought to herself and then continued to clean herself with the soap. She quickly did her shampoo before going out of the shower. She had to leave some hot water for Julie, knowing her best friend would want to shower before going out. Sara quickly dried herself, before wrapping the biggest towel around her body and the smaller around her hair. She stepped out of the bathroom, and Julie was quick to take her place. She heard her friend turn the water on as she went to her suitcase to find clean clothes. She didn't want to bother with dressing up to the nines, that wasn't really her style, so Sara decided on cargo pants, a black t-shirt and a large hoodie. Once she was dressed, she sat on the bed taking the towel from her hair to dry them as much as she could. She didn't want to comb them, just let her naturally wavy hair out and since it was hot enough outside, she could go out with damp hair without wondering if she'd get sick. She quickly put some foundation, she wasn't a big fan of make up, and went to put her white converse on. When she was ready she sat back on the bed and played some games on her phone waiting for Julie to get ready.

After half an hour Julie finally got out of the bathroom, all dressed up, her makeup done, she was ready to leave. She sat on the bed and grabbed her shoes, her engagement ring shining under the light of the room. Sara's eyes lingered on the ring, thinking that her friends deserved what was happening to her, after all the recent chaos Julie deserved all the happiness in the world. Julie put on her shoes and stood up.

"Alright, i'm ready, let's go." She extended her hand to Sara. She took it and followed Julie out. They went downstairs and realized that everyone was already there waiting for them to leave.

The walk to the restaurant was quick. It was a typical italian restaurant with italian food of course. They settled on a large table that the restaurant had prepared when the teacher had called to tell they were coming, and quickly ordered the food. The meal was long, the table full of pizza, pasta and other italian food. Sara had kept her eyes on Peter, Ned and MJ laughing; Julie took part of the conversation as well but Sara couldn't help but keep her distance. It's not that she wanted to appear rude, she just thought it would be best if she didn't get too much involved in Peter's new interest. She saw the boy liked Michelle, she shouldn't come between the two of them.

When they finally went back to the hotel, Sara and Julie sent straight to their room. Sara quickly changed into her pyjamas, brushed her teeth and went to bed without a word. She knew Julie had things to say, she always had things to say about Sara's choices lately, but Sara was really tired and didn't want to deal with it. She slid under the cover of the bed and closed her eyes. Every night before going to sleep she thinks about what her life had become, how all this happened, and how she regrets the decision she made but it's too late now and she reminds herself that she can't do anything about it now. 


Sorry this chapter isn't really long and really interesting but i promise the next one will be better. I really hope you like this story. Stay safe. Love you all 


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