Chapter 1

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A school trip. That's what brought Peter and his classmates to Venice. Finally something normal for Peter, he wouldn't have to worry about being Spider-Man here and just be a normal 18 years old enjoying his school trip in the beautiful city of Venice. And for Peter this was the perfect city to try and ask MJ out. After he came back from the dead, he went back to high school like nothing ever happened, still grieving the loss of his the only figure he had left. But, eventually, he started developing a crush on MJ and he's trying to figure out a way to ask her out. He asked Ned for some advice, but every time he followed his tips Peter's attempt at asking MJ out failed. He started to lose hope until he learned that they were going to Venice. He thought it'd be the perfect time to make a move, but he still had no clue of what he should tell her. Since they landed it was the only thing in his mind. He really needed help on what he could tell her, but he didn't want to ask Ned. There was one last person he could ask for advice, one person he knew would help him no matter what the situation was, someone he trusted with his life: Sara Stark. After Tony recruited him to fight Captain America, the both of them created a strong friendship and even more, but it didn't end like they wished it would. They could literally ask anything to each other and he still trusted her with his life even after the events of the last months.

Peter took his phone out of his back pocket and clicked on Sara's contact icon. He opened his message app but before he could text her, the teacher started to speak which brought his attention back to the place they were in.

"So here we are in San Marco, one of the most famous places in Venice." The teacher started making all the students look around them at the beautiful sight in front of them. The magnificent Saint Marc basilica, Doge's Palace and the Campanile surrounded them, monuments that they only saw in movies or school books. The place looked beautiful under the bright sun that was warming up their skins.

"Why aren't we going to the hotel yet?" Flash asked, cutting the teacher off and making everyone look at him.

"We are supposed to meet people here that will spend the trip with us." Everyone started to whisper, wondering who in the hell they could be waiting for. "They should be here soon so while we're waiting for them you can go around and look at these beautiful monuments here and come back here in thirty minutes." It didn't take long for the students to spread around the place. Peter looked at everyone going in different directions, Ned standing next to him. He started to have a bad feeling about this trip, but he didn't know where this suddenly came from.

"We should go see the basilica first." MJ's voice rang through Peter's ear and made his head snap toward her. Peter opened his mouth to answer her, but the words didn't come out. Peter was really shy, and his mouth opened and closed a few times before Ned decided to step in so Peter wouldn't embarrass himself even more.

"Yeah that's a good idea let's go." Peter only nodded, and followed his friends towards the Basilica. MJ led the way, a book about Venice history in her hands. Ned walked next to Peter and leaned closer to him to whisper

"Dude if you're not even able to talk to her, how are you gonna ask her out?"

"I don't know, I'm still trying to figure that out." Peter answered stepping inside the basilica.

After half an hour of visiting the basilica, the three friends went back to where the teacher told them to meet. When they got closer to her they noticed two figures standing next to her. The closer they got to them, the more Peter recognized the two persons standing next to their teacher before his two friends could even see who it was.

"Isn't that...?" Ned asked Peter when they were closer enough for him to see the faces.

"Yeah that's them." Peter answered before Ned could finish his question. He didn't need to hear the end to know what Ned was asking. Peter let out a heavy sigh already having an idea why these persons were here.

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