𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍 ⸺ 𝐚 𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝.

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0816 local hours. Year 7963 (14 BBY)
Crystal Caves, Illum.

⚡︎ .

      𝓥ÆMAS OPENED HER eyes to be greeted by alarmed beeps. Her gaze went down to BD, manifestly panicked.

"Hey, calm down! Yes, I'm okay. Yes, I'm sure!" She took the little droid in her hands and got up from the rock. "I was talking to an old friend..."

"Trill be-boop? Be-boo-beep."

"Yes, here it's normal that you did not see anything." She chuckled, putting him back on her shoulder. "But now I know more."

She was feeling a little bit different, as if a veil before her eyes had just been lifted. "Now we just have to figure out how to get out of here."

The room had no other access other than the path they came from. All she could see was ice walls...wait.

"Nothing a strong will can't outcome..." She whispered for herself. Suddenly, the way became clear. She went around the room, knocking on the wall. When she knocked on the right side, it made a hollow sound. She put her ear near the wall and heard the distant sound of an air stream.

"Get ready, BD!" She said, getting back to the opposite wall. Feet solidly anchored on the wall, she rubbed her hands and called out to the Force. And suddenly, she pushed her hands away from her and focused all the Force on the wall in front of her.

A detonation sound resonated, and a hole was pierced in the wall. Immediately after jumping through, Væmas noticed a huddled form, laying in front of an ice pick. BD jumped down from her shoulder and raced towards it, beeping in anxiety. She saw Cal lifting his head towards the little droid and caressing its head, his words forming words she could not hear, although she could feel his relief and joy from where she was, even thought he was freezing.

"Cal!" She called, immediately running towards him. An intense expression of relief overcame his face and she crouched next to him.

"Hey." She smiled, barely masking her relief. "Are you okay?"

BD toddled in front of them, turning on his projector. As Jedi they saw before appeared before them, Væmas let herself slip to the ground next to Cal, letting out a long breath.

"The time has come." Eno Cordova said in a grave tone, coming towards the hologram of BD himself. "This may be the last you see of me." He lifted his head, looking at something that was not here. "I can sense that the doom of the Jedi Order is upon us."


The old man chuckled in a raw voice. "No. Failure is not the end. It is a necessary part of the path. Hope will always survive in those who continue to fight."

These words resonated in Væmas, echoing those recently pronounced by Master Yoda. Apparently, they touched Cal too as he sat a little straighter, his gaze focused on the hologram.

"Like you, BD-1." The Master continued. "I believe that you will find someone just as brave and persistent as you have been. And you will help them. As you have helped me."

Væmas glanced to Cal, then to BD, as she was only beginning to understand the strength of the bond between these two.

"But your memory will be completely lost." Cordova added gravely. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

BD's hologram beeped in agreement. Cordova then pulled a memory key from his belt and put it inside BD's system. "Beginning total memory encryption. Only with a trusted connection will your memories be restored. I believe in you. As I always have. And I believe in whom you choose to replace me."

𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐒𝐎𝐍 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 - 𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐤𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐬 Where stories live. Discover now