𝐓𝐖𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐘-𝐓𝐖𝐎 ⸺ 𝐛𝐞𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬.

1.9K 60 44

0456 standard hours. Year 7963 (14 BBY)
Royal Palace of Aldera, Alderaan.


⚡︎ ⁺. ◍ 。

𝓣HERE WERE MORE stormtroopers than Væmas had expected, their bright white armors shining under the sunlight, whose rays did not bring any warmth whatsoever. Her whole body tensed in an old reflex, feeling too seen, too exposed, for someone who had been used to keeping her head low and hiding behind machines all day.

She could sense Cal stiffening up as well, his eyes fluttering through the ranks of soldiers, led by a middle-aged officer in the grey uniform of Imperial personnel.

Forcing herself to take a deep breath, Væmas brought her glance back in front of her and tried to modify it so it be as innocent as possible. Her arm was under Cal's as they got down the large ramp, behind the two Senators who advanced towards the Imperial officer, him gratifying them with only a cold nod. Behind Cal and Væmas stood Doctor Silane, her face covered by a hood, now carrying a suitcase with the two Jedi's luggage.

"Senator Organa. Senator Mothma. We have been expecting your arrival."

"Commander Primor." Senator Organa responded just as coldy before waving towards Cal and Væmas, whose breath caught when the glacial look of the officer landed on her.

For a terrifying second, she thought the officer would recognize her and order his troops to open fire on them. But the troopers didn't move one iota and the officer simply rubbed his cheek with his hands, his eyes narrowing.

The two Jedi came closer, Væmas so focused on keeping a nice and innocent face that she had no idea how Cal was managing. Up close, the officer had a face marked by the years, a white mustache partially covering his mouth, and piercing ice-blue eyes, that indicated that his age had not altered the sharpness of his mind.

"May I introduce Lady Jermala Barrattills and Lord Arvae Ker, dignitaries from Naboo."

"Hm. And what may be their purpose here?" He asked, looking up and down the couple.

"Simply a diplomatic visit, Commander." Senator Mothma responded calmly.

Væmas seized the occasion. "I've always wanted to visit Alderaan." She softly said in a brooding tone, her eyes wandering around. "It's so beautiful here."

That last part wasn't a lie. The landscapes of Alderaan were known to be breathtaking. "And besides, it gives me time to spend with my fiancé." She added with her most subjugated look, laying her head on Cal's shoulder as she put her other hand on his arm.

Despite the situation, she had to struggle against a laugh when hearing Cal shifted uncomfortably.

Væmas suddenly felt the world spinning, a loud ringing banging in her ears. She stumbled to the side, Cal steadying her with a light hand on her back. She vaguely heard the Imperial officer asking something and willed herself to look impassible as Cal answered. "The journey has been quite long, officer, and my Mala doesn't take kindly on fresher temperatures. We would not want this charming face of her to be damaged now, would we?"

Væmas took in a deep breath, the ringing diminishing, and by some miracle, managed to smile. "I'm not used to any other weather than the one on Naboo. Surely you can understand, Commander."

The officer seemed to be taken aback, his eyebrows rising and eyes widening, clearing his throat and stepping out of the way. "By all means."

When the officer turned around, a wave of relief was sent into Væmas' whole body. But this alleviation was only of short notice.

𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐒𝐎𝐍 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 - 𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐤𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐬 Where stories live. Discover now