Sword Vengance and a rematch with Freed

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A/N:Ikki arrives at the abandoned church building where he fought Raynare.He finds Xenovia, Irina, Kiba, Saji, Koneko, and Issei wearing priest outfits.

Ikki: Sorry I'm late had to tell my mom and sister I had some late work to do at the club alright so what do we have to do

Xenovia:I think we'll be more efficient in two groups let's split up

Ikki:Sounds like a plan to me then we'll take the east

Xenovia:Then Irina and I will conduct our search in the west part of town if you see anything at all call us

Ikki:Understood let's go

Xenovia:Wait Ikki Kurogane before you go there's sonething I have to tell you


Xenovia:We appreciate being taken such good care off so please take this sword

Xenovia:We appreciate being taken such good care off so please take this sword

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Ikki:Is this a holy sword?

Xenovia:No it's not but it should give you more power in battle please keep it

Xenovia:No it's not but it should give you more power in battle please keep it

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Ikki:Thank you both for this I promise I'll return the favor one day

Irina hides a blush

Irina:(Awww he's so sweet and kind I'm starting to like him)

Ikki:Alright let's go

The group leaves and heads for the east side of town to search for any whereabouts of Freed


Koneko:What's wrong Ikki

Ikki:I want to let you know...If Rias and Sona find out I'll take responsibility for all of this

Issei:No way bro we can't let you do that we were in on it so we take the fall too

Koneko:He's right we can't let you do that

Kiba:Your risking your relationship with the president

Saji:Wait Ikki is dating Rias?!!

Ikki:Yes I know but I have to do it also we've arrived

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