New Powers Unleashed!!! Ikki Kurogane and Issei Hyoudou vs The White Dragon Vali

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A/N:This is the final part of Season 2

Ikki and the others arrive at the battle just in time for Ikki to stop a magician from attacking Kiba

Kiba:Thanks Ikki

Ikki:No problem is everyone okay

Rias and Ikki bring Gasper to Sirzechs and Grayfia

Rias:This is too dangerous which is why I need you to please take care of Gasper for me


Koneko:Can we kill them now?

Ikki:We have to protect this area until the gate closes so let's focus on that first

Everyone continues to fight against the magicians

Sirzechs:The only one who can use strong protection magic is Rias

Rias puts up a magic circle in defense but it breaks and Ikki runs a slices at one of the magicians

Gasper:This whole thing is all my fault..I should help them...I wanna help!..Rias! Ikki! Please listen I should fight too I wanna be a man just like Ikki and I wanna make you all proud of me and I want to be worthy of you I will fight I just have too. I'm gonna do whatever it takes to protect my friends!!

Gasper removes the braclet on his arm

Rias:You can't Gasper!! Please zechs you have to stop him!! Do something!

Rias:You can't Gasper!! Please zechs you have to stop him!! Do something!

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Gasper:Watch me!! I can be a man too!


The Time spell deactivates and Akeno, Asia, Sona, and Tsubaki appear

Akeno:What was that!

Sona:Any idea what happened

Tsubaki:I don't have a clue

Serafall:Welcome back Sona!!

Sona:Will you get off of me!!

Rias:Gasper did it Im not sure how but he made time go back to normal

Sona:He stopped the enemy gate too

Serafall:One less thing to worry about so hooray

Ikki:Nice one Gasper! You did an excellent job!

Gasper faints and Asia catches him

Asia:I don't understand

Rias:We'll tell you the details later for now I need everyone's help!!

Akeno:You got it Rias!!

Meanwhile with Azazel and Katerea

Azazel:Well then why don't we start getting serious here I'm so bored right now are you?

Azazel:Well then why don't we start getting serious here I'm so bored right now are you?

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