Ikki's True Power Unleashed Ikki Kurogane vs The Fallen Angel Kokabiel

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A/N:Ikki and Rias continue to hold hands while walking towards Kokabiel Ikki's power continues to rise and rise

Ikki:Just a little more time....I'm ready are you Rias


Ikki:Then let's end this together.

Rias suddenly feels more power begin to rise within her

Rias:Ikki what are you?

Ikki:It's a new technique that I've learned just go with it okay?

Rias nods her head and releases her magic power

Rias nods her head and releases her magic power

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Ikki:Now Ittou Shura!!

Ikki:Now Ittou Shura!!

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Issei:Holy shit!!.

Asia:They're amazing

Kiba:I can feel the rage of power ever from over here!

Kokabiel:Hehehe Now things are getting interesting yes what you've got their is a devils power to the highest degree you've been blessed with strength on par with that of your big bad brother little girl!


Rias fires a massive blast of her destruction magic at Kokabiel but he was able to hold it at bay

Kokabiel:So much better and far more interesting almost as good as Sirzechs

Rias tries to continue her attack but then falls to the ground and Ikki holds her


Rias:Go Akeno!!

Akeno:Now Thunder!!

Akeno unleashes her thunder attack but Kokabiel blocks it with his ten black wings.

Kokabiel:Could it be she who possesses the power of Barqiel is trying to fight.

Akeno:Don't speak his name I am nothing like that creature!!

Ikki:Who's Barqiel?

Xenovia:One of the fallen angel leaders he can use lightning and thunder so basically Akeno's power

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