Open House

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The next day at school

Ikki walks to school by himself since Rias had to go with Sirzechs and Grayfia and when he arrives he finds Issei on the bridge on the school standing opposite from a guy with silver hair. A black jacket, Green V-neck, Burgundy pants, and black shoes

 A black jacket, Green V-neck, Burgundy pants, and black shoes

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Ikki:Come to me Intetsu

Ikki uses his speed to rush him and in the blink of an eye he's behind the stranger with his blade by his neck and Kiba and Xenovia arrive to help

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Ikki uses his speed to rush him and in the blink of an eye he's behind the stranger with his blade by his neck and Kiba and Xenovia arrive to help

Kiba:Don't you think this joke has gone on long enough?

Ikki:Who are you?

Xenovia:It wouldn't be smart for us to allow you to start a fight with the Red Dragon Emperor here now would it

Asia arrives.

Asia:What's going on

Issei:Asia get back

Vali:Let me guess your the one they call Ikki Kurogane the mortal that managed to best Kokabiel in battle.My name is Vali. I've heard many things about you. I've been itching to fight someone like you for a long time now. My pitiful rival over there will not even be worth my time. Maybe you can give some decent competition.

Ikki:What you've been wanting to fight someone like me or Issei?

Vali:Tell me something how do you think you compare to those with the power in this world

Issei:What do you mean

Vali:I'm talking about your Balance Breaker it looks quite incomplete if you ask me but still a four digit ranking on a scale of strongest to weakest that is I'd say between one thousandth and fifteenth hundredth or lower as for the human I'd say he's a two digit ranking

Issei:Great so what's your point?

Vali:My point is you two are valuable players you both should be taken care of and neutered don't you agree Rias

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