College Life Begins! (Adam & Eva Season 2!)

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A/N This chapter here begins about ten chapters long extra content. It will mainly focus on the future of Adam and Eva after Oban. Adam is now nineteen and Eva is eighteen. Anyway, without further ado... Let's get started!

*Adam POV, three years later*

I'm outside of my and Aunt Ophelia's house, packing some last boxes into my car. Summer vacations are over and the start of the new academic year is right around the corner

Ophelia: Are you sure you packed everything, Adam?"

Adam: "I'm sure of it auntie. Clothes, laptop, some food for the first day"

Ophelia: Are you 100% sure you didn't forget about anything?"

Adam: "Hmm..." auntie throw me a set of keys "Oh right, the keys for the house"

Ophelia: "It would be funny if you and Eva get there and you suddenly remember you don't have keys" she giggles "Speaking of her, Don called she is almost ready packing her things too. He and Rick will help you get everything to the car"

'It's been three years since the Great Race of Oban. I and Eva got accepted to Rice University in Houston, the school with one of the most prestigious Star-racing engineering majors on Earth. As to my aunt and Don's agreement, we have no right to race until we get a proper 'education and background' in mechanics and engineering of star racers. The only difference is that I'm starting my second year now and Eva becomes a freshman, meaning I can always help her with some subjects she had a problem with'

Adam: "So I better hurry. I already made her wait once back at her prom. And for sure I don't want to repeat my mistakes"

'Right, about me and Eva. After she turned sixteen, Don finally loosened up and let us do our thing. We got on some dates, ones more romantic like a classy restaurant and some less strict like a cinema or a park. Time flew fast, and let's say... me and Eva not only got our first kiss together. Good thing Don wasn't in Dallas then, or I would end up with a pistol near my head'

I close the trunk to my car and turn to aunt Ophelia

Adam: "Guess this is it. See you after the finals, auntie" Aunt Ophelia walks to me and hug me

Ophelia: "Be safe there, Adam. And be sure to look after Eva, or else Don would pay you two unfriendly visits" she smiles and breaks the hug. I get behind the wheel and start my vehicle. backing up from our driveway, auntie waved me a goodbye. I wave back and get on my way to Wei's household. Turning on the radio I hear some news

Radio: "Witnesses report a yellow comet flying above Houston. This unusual sight was seen yesterday in the early morning hours. Local police and authorities say not to worry, as it's confirmed to not be Crog's battleship. More about the subject in our news at 10 AM. And now, back to our usual program. Queen 'The Show Must Go On' on-air of Dallas Rock!"

Adam: "Ahh, the classics. And to think Freddy Mercury died almost a hundred years ago, he still has fans all over the Earth" I drive, tapping on the steering wheel to the rhythm of the song. Not soon later I pulled off at the driveway of Wei's residence. I notice Rick and Eva walking outside with some boxes. I press the horn of my car to get their attention

Eva and Rick: "Huh?"

Adam: "Hey guys!" I get out of the car "You ready for college, Eva?"

Eva: "Adam!" She puts the boxes down and jumps on my neck. We spin around for a while before stopping. Then we share a quick kiss

'Of course, Eva changed by the years. She still dyes her hair in a red, but they got longer, about to mid of her back. She also started to look like Maya in the matter of overall figure'

Adam & Eva (Oban Star Racers, Eva/Molly x Male OC) [On Hiatus]Where stories live. Discover now