part 4.

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By some miracle, Jaehyun didn't hunt you down for your answer and you wouldn't say you avoided him since you two never really crossed paths before. Jungwoo's mom let you and Jungwoo off for your Saturday shifts for Mark's party and even though he said not to get him anything, you and Jungwoo still got him something.

It was a casual gathering so you didn't feel the need to get dressed up, however you do enjoy wearing light dresses since it was summer season, throwing a cardigan over your shoulders when the night air gets too cold on the way home. You might be a nerd, but like any other girl, you liked to put on makeup when you felt like it, but today you simply wore strawberry-flavored lip balm.

The two of you were at Mark's place a little after six and the birthday boy opens the door with a huge grin as you both greet him.

"You're both here! Come in!" He ushers, stepping to the side. When Jungwoo hands him your gift, he clicks his tongue, "Ay, I said you didn't have to."

"We can serve this, you know." You quip and Mark cocks his head, eyes growing wide when Jungwoo finally drops the gift into his hands.

"Yo! Is this what I think it is?" He exclaims, ripping the lid of the box off to reveal a watermelon.

You've never seen anyone get so excited over watermelon before — but maybe that's what makes Mark loveable. You open your arms to him for a hug and once he returns the gesture, your eyes go down the hallway and see the one person you didn't expect to see here.

"Uhm," You push Mark off a little hastily, "I-is that Jaehyun?"

Mark glances back to see the boy in question helping himself to the drinks on the kitchen island, "Yeah. He was my student facilitator during freshman orientation. Do you wanna meet him?"

You scowled, "Oh, we know each other. I didn't know you two were friends."

"He's cool." Mark shrugs, "Well, let's go in! I'll figure how to slice this up."

"Let me. We don't want the birthday boy to lose a finger during his birthday, now do we?" You nervously laugh, taking the large fruit away from him. You shot a nervous glance at Jungwoo and it was all he needed to know that you were finally going to talk to Jaehyun.

While Mark and Jungwoo head into the living room, where everyone was gathered, you walk to the kitchen just as Jaehyun was about to return to where everybody was. He stops in his tracks, clearly surprised to see you.


Hugging the melon to your stomach, hoping it crushes the butterflies before they go wild, you nod, "Hi."

He was wearing a plain black shirt and some ripped skinny jeans; something so simple but it looked like he walked right out of a photoshoot.

"I didn't know you know you were friends with Mark."

"I said the same thing about you to him." You look around the kitchen for the knives.

His eyes drag down your body and you suddenly feel self-conscious, "What are you holding?"

Finally spotting the knife rack, you smile at him, "Mark's birthday gift."

Walking over to the counter, you pick a knife and a chopping board before removing the watermelon from the box.

"Ah, that's a smart gift." He comments, appearing beside you all of a sudden that you flinch as you look up at him, "I've never seen anyone love watermelon so much."

"It's cute." You shrugged, starting to slice the fruit up. "Congrats, by the way."


"Congratulations." You peek up at him, "Congrats on being top 1... and winning the bet. I'm surprised you didn't hunt me down."

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