part 3.

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"Why are you so nervous?" Jungwoo grabs hold of your hand and pulls your fingernails away from your teeth. "I'm sure you're number 1. And if Jaehyun is, then he couldn't have betted on something bad, right? He doesn't seem like the type."

It's been more than a week since the exams and the... event... at the library. It took you a day or two to go back and Jaehyun, thankfully, didn't turn up. You didn't tell a single soul, not even Jungwoo, who you've been confiding every dark secret you had to.

You both woke up early to see the results posted on the schoolyard before the other students flocked the bulletin board and it'll be a battlefield for a chance to read the results up close.

Walking up the rickety bulletin board, you hold your breath before approaching the list for seniors on the left. You could hear your own heart beat hammering in your chest.

"Hey! I'm 53! Dang, that's 3 spots from being top 50." Jungwoo points at his name on the middle section of the board. "Ha! Nakamoto Yuta is 51! I just need to surpass him and these other two for the finals. How about you?"

His face drops when he sees you staring at him, crestfallen. It wasn't hard to spot your name; there were only two spots possible for you and this time it just had to be below Jung Jaehyun's. Your mouth feels dry as you respond to him, "I'm second..."

"Oh, [Y/N]." He comforts, pulling you into a hug. "Maybe he'll ask for something petty?"

"Jungwoo, there's something I need to tell you. Can we go to your club room?" You look back at the school entrance, seeing a few more students come in. Jaehyun was the few students who already had their license so it should be easy to know if he was arriving or already here.

Jungwoo was part of the board games club. You've sat in a few times during their club meetings since they only had a few members and it was always fun playing board games that aren't monopoly or snakes and ladders. Their club room was one of the extra rooms under the library's second floor that was only accessible outside, beside the anime club, and was very secluded.

He digs his fingers inside a flower pot on the window sill and fishes out a key that he dusts off before unlocking the door. You enter first while he puts the key back into the soil of the poor, harassed petunia plant.

"Jaehyun said he wants to teach me about sex." You blurt out once Jungwoo closes the door behind him. His eyes go wide and he pretends to clean his ears.

"Come again?"

"Remember how I went to the library after midterms? He followed me there and we started talking and he kept asking these questions and — and it somehow ended up with him figuring out that I was virgin and I slapped him and then he said if he wins the bet, he'd want to teach me about sex but if I don't want to then I can say no and he'll think of something else." You inhaled deeply once you let it all out like vomit.

Your best friend stares at you, visibly confused, "Wait, that's a lot to take in... you slapped him and then he offers to teach you sex? And if you can decline it, then why don't you just say no?"

"We kissed."

"You what?!" Jungwoo screeches, "You kissed him and you didn't tell me?!"

"I'm sorry! It's just," You shrug your shoulders before defensively crossing your arms in front of you, "you know me, Woo. I've never kissed — made out — with anyone before and..."

"You want more?" He finishes for you and you slump down the nearest chair.

Exasperated, you stared up at him, "Tell me I shouldn't say yes to his offer."

"I think you should say yes to his offer."

You sighed in relief, grateful you had someone like him to help you — wait a minute.


He holds his hands up in front of him as you jumped up from your seat, "I mean, if Jung Jaehyun had offered to teach me sex, then I'd definitely say yes. Is it a friends with benefits type of deal?"

"We're hardly friends. If I say yes, then we're fuck buddies." You sit back down and look at the shelves where they kept the board games. "I need time to think about it. Please help me avoid him."


You put your hands to your face, "I swear I'm not running away from it. A deal is a deal. I just need a little more time to think about it."

Out of habit, you bite on your thumb and space out. You'll handle this situation like how you handle every decision: weigh out the pros and cons.

Pros: you'll learn something you've been very curious about and your "teacher" is quite skilled according to the female populace, so you're in good hands. It's not a merit you want, but you can say you've slept with the ever popular heartthrob, Jung Jaehyun.

Cons: you could get pregnant regardless of the use of contraception and you're prone to sexually transmitted diseases. You could get possibly addicted to it to the point it would distract you from school and ruin your chance to get your scholarship.

Where does falling in love with Jaehyun fall under?

You mentally slap yourself; no one is falling in love in this predicament.

The sound of the door opening pulls you out of your thoughts and your eyes meet with sophomore member of the board games club, Mark Lee.

"Oh! No wonder the door is open. What are you two doing here?" He nods at the two of you and you respond with a smile.

"Just needed a private place to talk." You explain, catching Jungwoo's gaze. "And you?"

"Oh," Mark sheepishly scratches the back of his neck, "I was gonna skip my first class to study for recitation on my second one."

Jungwoo puts a hand on his shoulder, "Don't worry we all have days for that — unless you're [Y/N]."

"Hey! I saw that you were top 2! Congrats!" He claps his hands, but eventually stops when he senses neither of you were in a celebratory mood. "Is... something wrong?"

"I was just really... betting on getting top 1. No big deal." You wave a hand in front of you, "It's not like being second affects my academic standing."

"Well, if you won't celebrate that, then let's celebrate my birthday! I'm having a party at my place this weekend. Nothing big, just the club and a few other people." He rubs his hands together, "You don't even have to give me a gift. Your presence is a gift—"

Mark's mouth forms into an 'o' and he snaps his fingers, "Your presence is a present!"

Maybe Jungwoo laughed out of pity while the younger nearly pissed himself in a fit of giggles, but your mind is thinking about the bet again. What were you going to tell Jaehyun?

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