part 5. [M]

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Today was the day. You're embarrassed about actually preparing yourself today ever since Jaehyun sent you a text the day after you exchanged numbers at Mark's party. You woke up an hour earlier to exfoliate your body and wore the best undergarments you owned. You didn't want to try too hard that it'll be too obvious since you still had school.

You told Jungwoo's mom that you'll be home later to tutor a classmate and she didn't find anything suspicious; you're just hoping she'll relay the message to your mom whenever she calls to check up on you.

Because you didn't want anybody in school to know you were going home with Jaehyun, you had him pick you up three blocks away from the school district.

"My mom should probably be gone by now." Jaehyun checks the watch on his wrist briefly before returning his attention to the road, "Do you wanna eat first?"

"No, I feel like throwing up." You confessed, holding onto the hem of your school skirt.

"You know you can back out, right?" He shoots you a sympathetic smile, "I don't wanna force you to do anything you don't want to."

"I know. I'm just nervous."

"I'm not going to jump you the second we get inside. We'll take it slowly — as slow as you want and need. We don't even have to go all the way tonight."

This makes you smile at him. For someone audacious enough to offer sex, one would assume he'd be a jerk, but he's truly a sweetheart. It was wrong of you in the first place to think he was the stereotypical mean jock in a high school food chain.

"Oh, shit." He curses under his breath, slowing the car down to a full stop in front of a simple two-story home.

Seeing that he lived in a house in Seoul was enough to tell you that he comes from a rich family, which you should have guessed already since he mentioned his father working abroad. It made you feel uneasy though, knowing you two are from completely different backgrounds.

"My mom's still home." Jaehyun checks his watch again, "It's past 6, she's late."

Following his gaze, you see another car in the garage — another indicator of their wealth. 2 cars? Geez.

"The gates are open. She must have forgotten something?"

He doesn't say anything, driving past the gate and parking it beside the other car. As you both unclipped your seatbelts, you see a door open in your peripheral vision and make eye contact with a young woman.

She looks a little frazzled, but more surprised to see you in the front seat of her son's car. Getting out of the car, you bowed at her with a smile.

"Jaehyun, I didn't know you were having someone over. Hello!" She waves at you.

"Hello." You meekly reply, "I'm [Y/N]."

"What a beautiful name. Welcome! Had I known you were coming, I'd tidy things up more inside and made more dinner." She frowns, putting a hand on her cheek, "Jaehyun, if the food isn't enough you can always cook for her, yes? I don't like having house guests being hungry."

"I know, mom, I will. Aren't you late for work?" He gripes, kicking the floor like a child.

She tuts at him, "I thought I left the oven on so I had to turn back around. Don't worry about me. What are you two going to do?"

Her eyes are looking straight at yours and you answer in the steadiest voice, "Well, Jaehyun and I are the top two students and our teachers asked us to work together to help create reviewers for the upcoming CSAT."

Jaehyun's mom gasps, "Already reviewing for CSAT?"

"Well, it would take some time before we figure out the topics we need to focus on, compile everything, have it approved," Jaehyun drawls, glancing at you, "Mom, aren't you running late?"

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