Review #39: @ashh134

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reviewed author: ashh134
book title: Anonymous Love
reviewer: dreaminginreverie

make sure you tag me if you have questions!

cover + title:
the cover is cute, but it's a bit hard to see "love" and the tagline. the title is interesting, but there're many like it so maybe try to get a little more creative with it.

i like how you added an excerpt to get potential readers excited! however, your lines are all over the place. it looks like you space down a lot, which leaves the sentences looking messy and unprofessional. you also mess up punctuation quite a bit, along with not capitalizing "K". while it is just a letter, for Emmaline it's this mysterious guys name so it should be capitalized. i'd also get rid of all the questions. you have a lot and they kind of give the story away, so i'd combine them into one or two only.

writing style:
typical for a teen fic book, so i can't say much since i've seen it a lot. i do like how you describe everything in great detail though!


Emma -
surprisingly i really like her. she stands up for her friends, which is awesome! she also seems to have a lot of baggage, but she's very interesting.

K -
very mysterious! i like how you didn't have him reveal his name so it keeps an air of mystery around him no matter what he says or does.

this is all over the place. sometimes you capitalize the beginning of a sentence and sometimes you don't. it's inconsistent and frankly irritating to read.

you really like commas, but you don't need them unless you're pausing so say the sentence out loud with the pause and without the pause so you can hear which one sounds better.

you miss words a lot and i had to go back and re-read a lot of paragraphs because they didn't make sense. go over your chapters before and after you publish so you can catch any mistakes.

you forget punctuation a lot and sometimes you don't even use it. it confuses the reader on if the sentence continues after a brief description on what the character is doing or if it ends.

overall thoughts:
i think it has potential, as it's definitely different from other anonymous books i've read, but your grammar, spelling, and punctuation is lacking which makes it hard to enjoy the story. i couldn't make it past two chapters because it was getting so frustrating not knowing when one sentence ended and one began. it was also getting tedious to go back and re-read a lot of paragraphs because of missing words. i'd definitely recommend getting an editor and maybe spend more time looking over each chapter before you publish. thank you for choosing me as your reviewer!

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