Entry 4. Jurassic Jungle Part 2

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I woke up. This time I was warm. Was I back home? I got up and opened my eyes, but what I found was not my room. FIRE!!!! I hurried away from the fire and looked around. It was plain grassland, there were no trees, no lake, and no dinosaurs in sight. I looked to where I laid. There was a fur blanket halfway laying on me and a fire set up near to me. Then I heard footsteps from behind me. Other people maybe? I looked behind me and found a person? They looked a little different than people would normally look, but I didn't care too much. They walked over to me and sat down by my side. "Hi," I started to say, "how did I get here?" She looked at me confused. She had long brown hair that looked like it hadn't been brushed for days, and she wore tattered clothes. I waited for a response. Is she going to say anything? She then picked up one of the stranded sticks from the fire and started writing on the ground where there was less grass. She drew what looked like to be a stick person, then pointed at me. Okay, weird but okay. She then pointed to a direction and pointed at me again. I was trying to get what she was saying but it was hard to understand. She must've seen that I was still confused she then pointed at her drawing and did a motion by her neck signaling death? Did she think I was dead? She pointed at the drawing then herself then at me. "So you found me," I asked. She didn't seem to understand what I was saying. How do I tell her I understand. Maybe. I nodded my head, seeing if that would work. I think she understood, then went to this little hut that she had came out of earlier. She brought out some meat that looked like it was still alive. I almost threw up and I think she could see I was not happy with it. She grabbed out some berries and motioned them to me. She ate one almost to show me they were okay. I was hesitant at first but I was starving. I took a berry and slowly chewed it. To my surprise, it was actually really sweet, it tasted like candy. I grabbed a few more and started eating. She then pointed at my arm. I looked down and there my cut was from I think yesterday. It looked a lot better, and I nodded my head trying to tell her I was okay. She went back into the tent, while I was sitting here. Then I noticed that it was a lot warmer out now than it was yesterday. Maybe the sun is at its peak right now? I don't think asking her will help, she doesn't seem to talk. Maybe she's a mute or something? Well I should be grateful that she found me and gave me food. She came back out of the tent after a while and brought over what looked to be like a cape made out of animal skin. She handed it to me and then took the blanket back to the tent. It wasn't too cold right now so I didn't put it on and just held onto it.

Later in the day, she went hunting while I stayed and picked berries, I thought it was the least I could do to help. Plus the berries were so sweet. It was getting to be sunset when she came back and I showed her the berries. She nodded her head and went to grab me the blanket again. I shook me head and gave it back to her. I pointed at the cape, trying to show her I could use this. She nodded and went to the tent. I set up the cape under me and looked up as it was getting darker. Well, wherever this is, its pretty calming. I looked to my side where a grass made satchel of berries were. She kindly gave me a few earlier. I took a few and ate them while watching it get darker and darker out. I kept eating more. I know. I know. I should not be eating so much, I should save some for later. They are so good though, you would understand if you tried them. After closing the satchel back up I sat up and looked in front of me. The grass fields were covered with fireflies. They were so pretty, I couldn't take my gaze away. If only every night was like this, I would absolutely love it. I curled up my legs and laid my head on my knee. I dozed off at some point.

I woke up to birds tweeting. It was warm. I wonder if she set up the fire again. I felt a blanket on me, but it was different than the one before. Then I got kicked. Right on the butt. Ow! I turned to my other side and opened my eyes. I was shocked. I couldn't believe it. Was I really? Oh my god!

-Lune January 4, 2021 

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