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Waves crashed at the shore, Oakheart lifted his jaws to drink the air, it tasted of Thunderclan, he looked up at a pale tabby tom to signal the

battle, the Riverclan warriors shifted nervously behind the two, the lean tom flicked his tail to tell the Riverclan warriors, that the battle has

started, Oakheart leaped into battle, the blue she-cat looked at his brother in anger, "Riverclan attack!" He echoed from the shore, suddenly, with

no regret, the Riverclan cats sprang into battle,

Oakheart winced in pain as a Thunderclan she-cat sliced open his ear, he shook the metallic taste from his mouth.

He rose his hackles, saliva oozed from his lip purposely to make her fearful. she panicked and darted toward their camp, but Oakheart blocked her,

He sunk his teeth deep into her shoulder, he hated the taste of blood, but revenge for ripping his entire ear off, he looked over his shoulder to see

A humongous tabby tom with smooth fur and shoulders, he knocked him off the she-cat, he breathed in fowl smelling air,

It stunk, but getting air in his lungs was his only goal. "Quick, Mousefur, run!" He heard him say, so that stupid she-cat's name is Mousefur, he

Mumured to himself, he shook blood once again from his ear, he then decided to pounce on the tabby cat who knocked the air out of him,

With a loud oof! The tabby struggled beneath him, he was cautious of the long front claws he owned,"this battle is only beginning of a rival,

I'll just say the sunningrocks belong to Thunderclan!" He hissed, Oakheart was trying to hold in a burst of laughter, "after tonight, Tigerclaw,

Riverclan will yowl in triumph over your clan," Tigerclaw snarled, "get out of our territory, now!" He warned,

"you can't tell me what to do, your just a warrior, I'm the deputy," his eyes blazed with anger, "get out!" He yowled, he sank his teeth into his belly,

"stop that!" He echoed, he sprang at his feet, kicking his rival in the face, claws raked across the tabbies nose, "Tigerclaw!" Oakheart felt relieved

To hear another voice, "this nonsense is doing nothing, Riverclan has too many warriors, when the time comes, we will avenge this defeat,"

He promised, Tigerclaw looked stern, "no Redtail, only the weak give up this soon," the tortoiseshell firmly ignored him, "your courage and

Ambition will be honored, but losing warriors, is losing a part of our clan," Oakheart was amazed at how wise Redtail's words were,

"retreat Thunderclan!" He yowled, Oakheart was surprised, how was this so easily won?

Prey scented cats struggled from their grip, and retreated, "cowards," he whispered, stepping onto the higher rock, he yowled in triumph,

Hoping his clanmates would reply the same, he looked back, a tortoiseshell tom crept up to him, he pawed a boulder off the balancing one where

It stood, he felt his claws be shooken in the crowd of them, blood oozed from his ripped ear once again, dust filled his nostrils, making him

Sneeze, "Oakheart, look out!" Redtail hissed, he looked back at the tom, another tabby grabbed him by the neck, "help!!!" Be yowled, stones crushed his side, knocking the wind out of him, he attempted to escape the heaviness, but it just kept rushing...

"goodbye Riverclan, and good luck."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2021 ⏰

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